Bringing Jiang and the "610" Office to justice under the charge of genocide has been supported by practitioners around the world, and is a momentous step in the course of Fa rectification. It is also a rare opportunity for all the practitioners to tell the truth about the persecution to the entire society. Though the plaintiff's attorney Terri Marsh has delivered the required documents citing evidence of crimes by Jiang and the "610 Office" successfully, we should be aware that we still have a lot to do to ensure the success of the lawsuit. We decided to continue sending forth righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese embassy in Munich.
Many passers by were attracted by the beautiful exercises and the exhibition boards. They were shocked by the crimes of Jiang’s regime in China after they were told about the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. They scolded the Chinese government for these atrocities, encouraged us and conveyed their best wishes to us. The whole activity went smoothly except for some leaflets being blown away occasionally in the strong wind. More and more people were willing to understand and accept our leaflets and hear Falun Gong. We can feel the people’s eagerness to know the truth.
Translated from Chinese at
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