As the Los Angeles Times Books Festival was open to the public, more than one hundred thousand people flocked to the campus in the early morning. Walking on the shady road to the main exhibition hall, what people could see first was the booth of the Falun Gong Club and Dafa banners. It is the fourth time that the club has participated in this festival and demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises to the public. Different from previous times, the practitioners set up a booth designated for collecting signatures to rescue Falun Gong practitioner Charles Li. In two days, more than ten thousand Dafa truth-clarifying materials were handed out, and more than 600 people signed their names on the petition to help rescue Charles Li.
Passersby were attracted by the practitioners' beautiful exercise demonstration and many people stopped to learn to do the exercises, especially young children who took away free bookmarks and truth-clarifying VCD's. Many of them also learnt to do the exercises on the spot.
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