The first exhibition took place at the Youth Cultural Centre in the city of Skierniewice. Cuiyings works were displayed in the main hall, the walls of which were covered in mirrors that, together with the lighting in the room, created a very beautiful effect. Speaking with the help of two interpreters, one Polish and the other Chinese, Ms. Zhang told her story and described her artwork. The audience, which included a radio reporter and a monthly magazines editor-in-chief, asked many questions and showed a lot of interest in the presentation.
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The exhibition included a video documentary about the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese regime. At the end, the director of the hosting institution came to the exhibit and received a signed print of one the artists paintings, which was personally inscribed with a touching message: always keep great compassion and great tolerance in ones heart.
On the next day, the exhibition moved to the University of Journalism in Warsaw, where a press conference was also held. Zhang Cuiying was welcomed by the Dean of the institution, an audience of journalism students and members of the media who expressed admiration at her paintings and eagerly took part in a question and answer session after the presentation. The Dean also spoke at the exhibition and in his speech he concluded with a touching salute to the artist and her personal story. He expressed hope that one day soon Falun Gong in China will be free from persecution. He also added that he wished Cuiying could return to her homeland with freedom assured and dignity restored.
The final exhibition took place on Tuesday the 6th of May at Ujazdowski Castle, a respected national art gallery, which houses the Centre for Modern Art. Guests included radio reporters, a Polish Press Agency reporter and the Chairman of the Polish branch of Amnesty International. The latter spoke at length about Chinas violations of human rights and denounced the persecution of Falun Gong. The exhibition included a painting demonstration by Ms. Zhang and a question and answer session with the audience.
The evening concluded with a special screening of a documentary film at Baumgart café (an affiliate of the Centre for Modern Art) about the persecution of Falun Gong. Zhang Cuiying shared her personal story of spending eight months in forced labour camps suffering torture and brutality because of her belief in Falun Gong.
Overall the event was a success and Polish practitioners will work harder and do better next time Cuiying visits Poland, so that even more Polish people can come to know the truth about Falun Dafa.
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