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Stolen Money: 600 Yuan from the pocket of a jacket was stolen. A locked drawer was pried open. Cash of 11,000 Yuan, certificate of deposit, a residential registration card, a certificate of physisian etc. were stolen 3" VCD's were stolen
On the day after this incident, her family members found that their house had been ransacked. The valuables in the house were looted and the house was left empty by the Political Security Section of Lianshan District Police Department and the Bohai Street Police Station. The Dafa books were taken. The stolen valuables included: a desktop computer, laser printer, stereo player, videotape player, and a digital VCD player. Valuables that were locked in the drawers were also looted: Cash of eleven thousand Yuan, two bank deposit books containing forty-four thousand Yuan (one book had twenty thousand Yuan while the other had twenty-four thousand Yuan), and the insurance deposit certificate of thirteen thousand Yuan belonging to her eldest daughter. In total, they looted sixty-eight thousand Yuan. Adding the cost of the equipment the loss was over seventy thousand Yuan. The forty-four thousand Yuan was from the sale of their house and was meant for their daughter's education, and eight thousand Yuan of the cash was money that her sister had given them to help them with their living expenses. (Because they persisted in cultivating Dafa, both husband and wife were fired by their work units) The corrupt police also stole their identity cards, the husband's doctor credentials and his medical license. The police even took the six hundred Yuan that was in the pocket of a shirt that was hung on a clothes rack. It is not known if other properties were stolen.
This Dafa practitioner and her husband have now been forced to become homeless and move from place to place to avoid being persecuted. They have a home that they cannot return to and children that they are unable to take care of. A happy family has thus been broken up by the lawless police.
Political and Security Section of Lianshan District Police Department: 86-429-2125621
Lianshan District Police Department: 86-429-2160026
Bohai Police Station in Lianshan District: 86-429-2161041
Zhanqian Police Station: 86-429-2122901
Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/5/1/49462.html
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