It has been three years since the founding of the Falun Gong Research Society. The usual activities on campus were only Fa-study [principles and teachings of Falun Gong contained mainly in the book Zhuan Falun] and experience sharing, and also making phone calls to clarify the truth to Chinese people in China. This time, the practitioners held a series of activities to celebrate the 11th year spreading of Falun Dafa. The activities included a photo exhibit of Fa-spreading and truth clarification, exhibit of Dafa books, truth-clarifying films, cultivation experience sharing, exercise demonstration, drama, and chorus.
During the celebration, many teachers and students on campus came to enquire about Falun Dafa and the facts of the persecution. People from outside the university also came to visit. One lady who came from China to Taiwan to live watched the VCD featuring the facts of the persecution and photo exhibit. She wanted to get truth-clarifying materials and read them carefully after returning home. This is exactly the purpose of holding this activity. Skits and dramas were also performed during five consecutive days and won the appreciation of many passersby.
Fellow practitioners in the Kaohsiung area gave us timely help, displaying that Dafa practitioners are one body. In every activity, practitioners could find where they fell short and needed to strive more diligently.
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