This was the fourth day that US citizen Dr. Charles Li has been on a hunger strike in a Nanjing prison to protest his illegal and unjust imprisonment. Falun Gong practitioners in the Bay Area heard the news and gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate the same day to expose the Jiang regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, disrespect for human rights and lack of concern for people's lives. The practitioners called on all circles to help rescue Dr. Li and bring him back to the US as early as possible.

In the press conference, a representative of Falun Gong practitioners in the San Francisco Bay Area said, "Dr. Li left the easy life in America and went to China to spread the truth of Falun Gong to the Chinese people. It was a righteous act. History will prove that he is a great US citizen. We hope that everyone will work together to rescue him back to America."
Ms. Yeong-ching Foo, fiancée of Dr. Li said, "Dr. Li is being illegally imprisoned. His basic human rights are severely violated. Upholding basic human rights is part of America's founding principles. We cannot let evil harm him." She called on the US government to immediately rescue Dr. Li and also appealed to all people with righteous thoughts to help bring Dr. Li back home."
Several media, including RFA, NTDTV, The Epoch Times, and Voice of the Bay radio station were on the spot to cover the event.
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