More Information About the Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner Li Jian in the Henan Province No. 3 Labour Camp

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Mr. Li Jian, from Henan Province, was tortured to death by the 3rd Detention Centre located in Xuchang City at around 3:00 a.m. on April 25, 2002.

Li Jian was abducted and subjected to forced Labour at the 3rd Detention Centre because he persisted in his belief in Falun Dafa. He was forced to give up cultivation under duress in December 2001, but he resumed cultivation in March of 2002. He announced the cancellation of his "transformation" and got back onto the path of cultivation. As a result, policeman Tan Junmin, who is the Team Leader of the 3rd team at the 3rd Detention Centre, began to persecute him more severely. Li Jian was tortured to death at around 3:00 a.m. on April 25, 2002. The police administered CPR and injected medicine after his death to fabricate evidence to cover their crime. They sent his body to the hospital for "rescue." They said the rescue effort failed and that Li Jian's died due to a "heart attack."

Yan Zhenye is the Director of the 3rd Detention Centre, and Qu Shuangcai is the Deputy Director of the 3rd Detention Centre. These two are the primary criminals responsible for persecuting Dafa practitioners. In their relentless persecution of Dafa practitioners, they force everyone to work from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. everyday, without regard to how old they are or what kind of condition they are in. They force practitioners to perform very intense work, sometimes until 1:00 a.m. After Li Jian was tortured to death, the Dafa practitioners held a ceremony to expose the cause of his death. As a result, some of the practitioners' sentences were extended, and some were subjected to torture.

Ren Gaoqiang is an instructor of the 3rd team of the 3rd Detention Centre. He abuses and tortures Dafa practitioners. He tried many ways to prevent Li Jian's relatives from finding out the true cause of his death.

Jin Weishan is a policeman in the 3rd team of the 3rd Detention Centre. He tortured and verbally abused Dafa practitioner Li Jian.

Chinese version available at

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