About one year ago, my wife and I went to my granddaughter-in-law' home to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. She went through the copy of the book Zhuan Falun [The main text of Falun Gong] that we had brought there. Her entire family have also watch the truth-clarifying VCD.
This year, since SARS broke out, all the villagers are vying to read Dafa truth materials as they have understood the harmfulness of the lies.
"Jiang Is Truly Bad"
One day I chatted with a temporary worker in our company who used to curse whenever people whenever they mentioned Buddha. Many troubling things started happening in his family and so a family member asked a fortune-teller about it and was told that he was being punished for cursing Buddha. Since then, he dared not curse Buddha anymore, and his family became much more peaceful. He also started to believe in Buddha.
When talking about Falun Gong, he said, "There are so many people practising Falun Gong, and they don' give up even under such a brutal persecution. There must be some reason for this." He asked me for a copy of Zhuan Falun to read. After he finished reading it, he said, "There is nothing wrong with practise of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. There is nothing in the book that has anything to do with "murder" or "self-immolation" as claimed on national TV. All the teachings ask people to be good. Jiang is truly bad!" He also asked me for some Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials, saying that he would ask his family to read them.
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