The press conference started at 11 am. A western practitioner introduced how Falun Dafa has spread around the world and benefited the many people. Another practitioner listed many persecution cases in the past four years and reported the lawsuit against Jiang and his "6-10 Office" for genocide and crimes against humanity. Two female practitioners from Mainland China talked about their experiences of being arrested, beaten, interrogated and detained for practising Falun Gong. They called upon kindhearted people to help stop the persecution. A western practitioner shared his experiences of dealing with Chinese Consulate officials and asked more people to expose how Chinese Embassies and Consulates are extending the persecution to foreign countries. A reporter from the Edmonton Sun Newspaper interviewed the event.
After the press conference, Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises and passed out flyers. The weather was clear and there were many visitors. People watched the display boards and asked for the details of the lawsuit.
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