Reading aloud proclamations for Falun Gong

On Saturday, June 21, more than a thousand practitioners attended the press conference held at Federal Plaza in Chicago to support the lawsuit against Jiang

A practitioner recounts her personal experience of being arrested and mistreated in China

Practitioners give puppet show named, "Chinese Dictator's Worst Nightmare"

A large procession of Falun Gong practitioners passes through downtown Chicago, heading for the Chinese Consulate

Display boards in the procession expose Jiang's crimes and call upon the Chinese government to immediately release American citizen Charles Li

Procession spans three blocks

Dancers with colourful ribbons display the practitioners' warm heart and joyful spirit

The Happy Drummers Team
Meanwhile, more than a thousand Dafa practitioners held a festive parade in Chicago's Chinatown to celebrate the eleventh anniversary of Falun Dafa's introduction to the world.

On Saturday, June 21, in the grand procession in Chicago's Chinatown, three young practitioners' dance performance attracted many passersby. The young practitioners continued to dance all the way to the parade's end point. Originally it was not planned for them to go so far, but they happily danced the entire way.
On Friday, June 20, during the two performances held at Federal Plaza and Thompson Centre, young practitioners performed a lively dance. They came from three different states in the Midwest, but they formed a wonderful team. They only had time to prepare for a few days, but it turned out wonderfully. During those days, they played together, rehearsed together, and read Zhuan Falun together.
In the two-day activity, they won a lot of warm praise from spectators, and through their lively and beautiful dance, they left a strong impression of the beauty of Falun Dafa in people's hearts.
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