On October 1, 2001 three Swedish practitioners and one Canadian practitioner took a night train from Rome to the North. We slept on the train for a little too long, and the train passed our planned destination and took us to Monaco, a small country with unique characters. People there never heard about Falun Dafa. We realized that this was the place we should plan in our schedule. We delivered a truth-clarifying material package to the local government. One officer on duty accepted the package and would hand it to the King. In just a few hours, we distributed all the materials we had and boarded the train to Milan.

We arrived at Milan at night. Because of the local art festival, all the hotels were full. An Italian practitioner took us to his friend's home. It was a dormitory for Chinese. When people there knew we came from so far away to tell the truth of Falun Gong, they warmly welcomed us to stay and gave us all the bedding we needed. We appreciated very much their support and kindness.
Next day morning (10/2) we went to the local government to deliver SOS materials. They were very serious about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Then we held group practice and distributed materials to local people. We have reached many people. We also went to Chinatown in Milan and distributed several hundred pieces of Chinese literature.

After we delivered a letter to the local government, we met a professional reporter. He asked us a lot of Falun Gong related questions and said that he was going to write some special reports. We met many local people who support Falun Gong.
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