Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China
49-51 Portland Place
I have been contacted by a constituent regarding their family and friends who are in prison in China for practising Falun Gong.
1. Ms Baolian Zhu was detained for 8 months without trial for distributing Falun Gong leaflets, and was sentenced in August 2001, to 4 years in prison.
2. Ms Yongjie Zhu was arrested on 4th November 2002 and is being held in Daxing Womens Labour Camp in Beijing without trial, for practising and supporting Falun Gong.
3. Mr Xujun Zheng, 35, was sentenced to 2 years in Tuanhe Labour Camp in Beijing in March 2002 for distributing and displaying materials against the suppression of Falun Gong.
I have been informed that this people have been imprisoned solely due to their belief in Falun Gong and I would urge you to convey my concerns about these people to your government.
I would ask your government to allow family and friends from the United Kingdom to visit these people in China as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Christopher Huhne MEP
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The above letter was attached to the letter below, received by a practitioner.
Dear Ms Yip
Thank you for your letter regarding your family and friends in prison in China. I have written to the Chinese Ambassador in London, regarding these cases and I enclose a copy of the letter.
I will of course be in touch as soon as I receive a reply, however in the meantime, if I can be of any other further assistance on this or any other matter please inform me.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely
Chirs Huhne MEP
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Chinese version available at http://www.yuanming.net/articles/200306/21831.html
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