The Charity Night was held in an expensive Paris hotel. Four representatives of the French Falun Gong Association were also invited to the charity night along with many celebrities. The Falun Gong practitioners chatted with them and told them about Chinese dictator Jiang Zemins deceitful lies and his persecution of millions of innocent people.
Those who learned the truth about the persecution were shocked. Some of them said, Why are they so cruel? Others said, We support you. You are doing very well, and should continue with that. More of them suggested that we keep in touch with them to have further discussions.
One TV programme host had a long chat with the practitioners and invited them to his office two weeks later to give him more information about Falun Dafa. He said, This is related to the deaths of almost one thousand people. At the least, we need to talk about it. We will not ignore this.
Through this charity night, Jiangs deceitful lies were exposed one by one and the French celebrities now have a very good understanding of the tricks played by the state-controlled media that allowed Jiang Zemin to spread lies to Chinese citizens and the whole world.

Actress D. Carterlina (second from right) stands with the practitioners.
Translated from Chinese at
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