Falun Gong practitioners in France conducted a sit-in protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in France. The media, international human rights groups and student organisations came to interview and witness the event. Falun Gong practitioners talked to the media in detail about the facts that Falun Gong is based on the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance," that it teaches people to be good, and that Jiang Zemin launched the persecution against Falun Gong out of jealousy over its popularity.
Mr. Zhang Jianping, spokesperson of the Falun Gong Association, pointed out that today, with more and more people knowing the truth, the persecution is difficult to sustain. He said that the Falun Gong Association in France is going to bring a lawsuit against Jiang for his crimes against humanity, genocide and torture.
Falun Gong practitioner Chi Jian, who lives in Grenoble, was illegally detained for a month by the Chinese Public Safety Department when he went back to China to visit his family two years ago. Today, his wife, Mrs. Sun Fenglong and daughter came to join the sit-in protest. Falun Gong practitioners held a march during the past weekend, which set off from the Concorde Square (Place de la Concorde), took Concord Avenue and arrived at Place de la Bastille. Along the road, practitioners handed out materials to protest the Jiang regime's persecution against freedom of belief. In addition, Falun Gong practitioners and supporters also conducted a similar march in the 13th district of Paris where a lot of Chinese live, and this attracted many people's attention.
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