On the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong, to call for justice and conscience and to support the global trial of perpetrator Jiang Zemin, practitioners from Korea conducted a 23-day journey around the country to clarify the facts and to collect petition signatures to support fellow practitioners in China. The activity concluded on July 20.
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Interviewed by reporters from the Daily News in Qingzhou City. | Clarifying the facts and collecting petition signatures in the Pingze Municipal Police Department. |

Practicing Falun Gong exercises and distributing flyers at the Shuiyuan Railway Station Plaza.
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Clarifying the facts at Tianan Railway Station Plaza. | Distributing truth-clarifying literature on Ruyi Island. |
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Walking in Datian City and clarifying the facts. | Sending forth righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese Embassy. |
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