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Shen Wenjie is a farmer's son, and like Dong Cuifang, he was a good student with good character, and was praised by his teachers. He used his skills and talent to gain acceptance into a university in Beijing in August 1995. In 1997, the Beijing Capital Airport went to all the universities in search of potential pilots. After passing many tests, Shen was one of the few chosen among thousands of university students, and his skills were considered the best among the group that was chosen. His work unit sent him to the United States for further training and he quickly became an outstanding pilot (please refer to photo 2). However, the ten-plus American professors and advisors who helped to train him could not imagine what things this outstanding Chinese pilot would have to go through in China, nor could they imagine that his fiancée would be murdered.
When practitioners were unfairly arrested in 1999, they both contacted fellow practitioners to appeal in Beijing. On April 25th, they bought water and food for out of state practitioners. On July 20, 1999 when tens of thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested in Beijing and brought to the sports stadium by the truckloads, they once again spent a lot of money to deliver everyday items to practitioners through various means.
Because Shen Wenjie participated in the appeals on April 25 and July 20, under Jiang Zemin's system of punishment, his work unit forced him to choose between his work and cultivation. In the end, Shen Wenjie was forced to give up his rewarding work.
During the second half of 2000, both were forced to leave their jobs in Beijing. They travelled everywhere to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to people. They went to villages as well as cities. Wherever they went, they brought the truth of Falun Dafa with them. During this time, they were arrested and jailed numerous times in detention centres and police stations, and every time they were able to use righteous thoughts to leave the dens of evil. Once, they were arrested while distributing truth-clarifying materials, and the unlawful police confiscated their mobile phones and pagers. They were continually persecuted and were very poor off financially. During the most difficult time, they only had 20 Yuan [Yuan is the Chinese currency. The average monthly salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan]. They worked to support their basic daily needs, and if they had a little bit more money, they would give it to other practitioners who were also in difficult situations.
On December 26, 2001, they were travelling to a southern city to help some practitioners who had become affected by the persecution's lies. On the way, they were turned in to the police for clarifying the truth on the train and were illegally detained at Shunyi Detention Centre in Beijing, where they were tortured numerous times. Later, with the help of a kind-hearted person, police reluctantly let them see each other once a week. Every time they meet, they would encourage each other to believe firmly in Dafa. Later, they were forcibly separated again.
Dong Cuifang was transferred to the Daxing Female Jail on March 11, 2003 and was tortured to death after only eight days. At the same time, Shen Wenjie was secretly transferred to a labour camp in the Daxing district of Beijing and there has been no news from him since.
Dong Cuifang and Shen Wenjie (see third photo) had been engaged for a long time, and due to the persecution since July 20 1999, they were unable to get married. They had been in love for almost 10 years, and hundreds of letters were exchanged between them. Dong Cuifang has now been tortured to death, Shen Wenjie has been unjustly jailed, and the couple in this photo are now separated by life and death. As far as we know, her fiancée does not know of this tragic news.
Dong Cuifang's family once sued the Daxing Female Jail. The persons responsible bribed their way out of this situation and have also threatened her parents.
The persecution this outstanding doctor and pilot have faced is a small reflection of the persecution that Jiang and his associates have brought upon Falun Dafa practitioners.
Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/7/22/54391.html
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