When I read Zhuan Falun [the main text of Falun Dafa] for the first time, it was the three principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance that attracted me the most. Theses three principles are deeply rooted in my heart. I feel that these beautiful and powerful principles are what I am going to follow for the rest of my life and I constantly try to improve how I understand them.
Five years ago, we did not even have a video tape to learn the exercises from. We had the book Falun Gong, with pictures of the exercises. We put a key on top of the page so that it was not turned over by the wind and then we practised the exercises, comparing our movements to the pictures. We tried to perfect our movements by pointing out each others mistakes. As time went by, we practised Falun Gong exercises every Sunday, week after week, whatever the weather.
We went to Beijing and Dalian in China during the Chinese New Year in 1999, when Falun Gong was not yet banned in China. We practised Falun Gong in different parks with the Chinese people every morning. I will never forget the welcome we received in Dalian. Practitioners were waiting for us outside the train station and helped us to carry our luggage. When we walked out of the station, we saw loads of people standing and clapping to welcome us. What touched me the most was their tremendous benevolence. I have never experienced such strong feelings of compassion.
We listened to practitioners sharing their cultivation experiences and we practised the exercises together. We were treated like VIPs; wherever we went the Chiense practitioners always got us to stand at the very front. There were around 10,000 people practising the exercises together each time and it was such an unforgettable experience.
I felt puzzled when Falun Gong was banned in China in July 1999. How could such a great cultivation way be outlawed? I believe when more people understand the truth, this persecution will soon end. This persecution is a serious violation of human rights.
During Kalmar Falun Dafa Day, we would like to let all people know about the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance, and how Falun Gong practitioners in China are being brutally persecuted for following these principles. Please do all you can to help these innocent people.
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Translated from Chinese at http://www.yuanming.net/articles/200308/23255.html
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