Three Women tells the touching real-life story of the joys and hardships of three young Chinese women, two of whom are Australian citizens. All are living in Australia.
Before the screening, the film producer, Ms. Vina Lee, shared her inspiration for making the film, which tells of the encounters of the three main characters and their families. After having enjoyed peaceful and happy lives, these three women's families were shattered during the persecution of Falun Gong in China, which began in 1999. Vina said that she was inspired by the brave hearts of these three women in their decision to speak out about their experiences. Their courage to step out and tell people the truth of what happened to their families comes from a common aim: to end the persecution of Falun Gong in China as soon as possible.
After the film was shown, MC Jonathan Solomon introduced the three-minute beautiful Falun Dafa exercise commercial, then he gave a background to the persecution of Falun Dafa in China, the foreseen danger of the introduction of Article 23 in Hong Kong and the news of the former Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin, who is the main instigator of the persecution, having a lawsuit filed against him in the US federal court for crimes of genocide.
Afterwards, one of the film's main characters, Esther Wang, met the audience. She said: "As you can see, I am not an actress, but all I have said is the truth. Falun Dafa was free and open to the public in the past, it's free and open in the public now and it will still be free and open to the public in the future. I hope you all can find the true story of Falun Dafa by approaching us or by logging onto the website because we are the direct beneficiaries of Falun Dafa, and we are the direct victims of this brutal persecution. We are lucky to enjoy freedom of speech and belief in Australia. This persecution never should have happened, but it did happen, so we, as Falun Dafa practitioners, feel we must come out and speak up, to tell people the truth. I appreciate your attending tonight's launch and hope you can tell more people of the real story of Falun Dafa."
It was a successful launch, and the audience was clearly touched by the film. Some Chinese students said that after seeing this film, they will certainly look for more information about Falun Dafa, and will check the websites more often. Some Westerners were moved to tears. One Western lady approached the producer, saying that the film must be spread to the public and exposed to more people, and that she would help to find people who could publish the story. Some people happily took the Falun Dafa information as they left.
The film launch was followed by cultural performances in the lounge, including the Falun Dafa "Tang Dynasty Dancers." Three ladies wore the beautiful costumes of the Tang Dynasty, which is often considered one of the best eras of Chinese art and culture.

Upon entering the lounge, the grace and beauty of the Tang Dancers and their costumes brought many surprised and delighted looks from students. Once the performance began, the peaceful music and graceful moves of the dancers silenced the room as they paraded their costumes. The dance lasted about ten minutes, and as soon as the performance finished one student was overheard saying, "Falun Dafa...they do that meditation. I could really use that..."
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