Falun Gong practitioners in Hiroshima also utilised this day to conduct truth-clarifying activities. In the daytime, under the baking sun, they delivered 6,000 truth-clarifying newsletters. In the evening, they held a candlelight vigil in a corner of the Peace Memorial Park. Among groups of organisations who loudly shouted anti-war slogans, practitioners silently expressed their wish for peace.
In the evening, accompanied by music "Pudu," Falun Gong practitioners held candles in their hands to commemorate the more than 772 fellow practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution. One after another, the kind-hearted Hiroshima residents came over. Some took pictures, and some pressed their hands in front of their chests (heshi) to express their grief. Among them, a middle-aged Japanese lady softly came over and stood behind practitioners. She pressed her hands in front of her chest and then she expressed her heartfelt wishes to a practitioner. She said, "Fifty years ago, the Japanese militarists brought the Chinese people immense calamity, and also destroyed the friendship between China and Japan. I hope a similar tragedy will never occur again." The lady felt very sad about the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong and she hoped that this persecution would end as soon as possible. The scene was very solemn, which moved people to tears.
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