The car tour group was comprised of four Western and Chinese Dafa practitioners aged from 16 to 22, all on summer vacation. We set out from Calgary last weekend (August 17) at 6:00 a.m. In eight days, we travelled to ten cities, including Red Deer, Wetaskiwin, Edmonton, Slave Lake, Kinuso, High Prairie, Grande Prairie, Whitecourt, Edson, and Camrose. We clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to local media, delivered truth-clarifying materials to the local people, and received support from the local governments, the media and citizens.
Wherever we went, we would immediately begin our work. One would contact the local media, another would display photo boards, and two others would give out leaflets. We did all these things in a good orderly way. On the way, we encountered several local fairs and gatherings, so more citizens had an opportunity to learn about Falun Dafa and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, as well as the lawsuit against Jiang. Some people learnt to practise Falun Gong exercises on the spot. The following photos recorded several meaningful episodes during our unforgettable car tour.
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On August 17, at Pioneer Days Fair in Wetaskiwin | Introducing Falun Dafa at the Edmonton Cultural Festival |

On August 19, in the city of Slave Lake, 1210 KWA radio station reporters came to conduct an interview, and then followed the practitioners to go to the Mayor's office to continue the report. |  |
On the morning of August 20, the practitioners arrived in the city of High Prairie. We had an interview from Radio 1020 CKVH | On August 21, at the Amphitheatre in the city of Grande Prairie, a reporter from Grande Prairie Channel 7 filmed the practitioners doing the exercises. Afterwards, the reporter interviewed the practitioners |
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On August 21, reporter Mike from SUN FM97.7 interviewed a practitioner and expressed his support for us | On August 23, in the city of Camrose, led by a friendly university student, the members of the car tour came to a news agency-Booster and chatted with the editor |
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On August 24, practitioners went to Wetaskiwin again. The photo shows the practitioners clarifying the truth to a reporter. After that, the reporter took photos of the display boards and practitioners' doing the exercises | On Sunday, August 24, in the city of Red Deer, a reporter from the local newspaper Red Deer Advocate interviewed the practitioners at his office and photographed the practitioners' exercise demonstration |
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