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AP Flux ran a story about how Luo Gan, the head of the 610 office, did everything possible to implement and supervise cruel and violent terrorist activities against Falun Gong and practitioners in an attempt to eliminate the practice. The 610 Office is a task force established by Jiang Zemin in 1999 for the purpose of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Good people have been tortured, murdered, and raped during this persecution. France, Iceland, the United States, Finland, Belgium, and Canada have accused Luo Gan of being the culprit of these crimes. Luos crimes include crimes against humanity and genocide, and the victims are Falun Gong practitioners. Information from Falun Gong groups points out that we were concerned that inviting Luo Gan to visit our country will be interpreted as support for these crimes, which have been opposed by western European countries and the UN Human Rights Commission.
Tracey Zhu, a resident of New Haven, Connecticut in the USA, faxed a similar message to AP Flux. She thought that Luo Gans visit to Chisinau was not in the interest of the people of Moldova and other good people. Luos persecution of Falun Gong is similar to the crimes committed by the German Nazis in persecuting the Jewish people. Luo is the architect of the murder of more than 800 Chinese people. Tracey Zhu said she hopes the Moldovan government will not receive the butcher Luo Gan.
When asked for comments, Valeriu Renita, director of the Presidents Information Office, said, I knew nothing about the visit of Luo Gan; therefore I could not make any comment. Meanwhile, he suggested that AP Flux contact the Chinese Embassy in Moldova. At the time of publishing, we have yet to get in touch with Chinese diplomats.
Translated from Chinese at http://www.yuanming.net/articles/200310/24793.html
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