MP of Les Bouches du Rhone District
Mayor of Sausset-les-Pins City
September the 15th, 2003
Concerning your request for me to pay attention to the Chinese governments persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, I have tried my best to understand the matter.
Since 1999, the Chinese government has started a systematic persecution of the (Falun Gong) followers. You wished to know what political and diplomatic measures the French government would take to end these serious violations of human rights.
Therefore, I thought it was necessary to write a written question to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs so as to understand how we can change the Chinese leaders attitude.
I will definitely immediately forward the reply from Mr. Dominique de Villepin (French Foreign Minister) to you.
I am at your service anytime, and please accept my sincerest regards,
Eric Diard

Translated from Chinese at
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