New York Falun Dafa Practitioners Appeal in front of the Chinese Consulate to Support Practitioners Who Are Being Tortured in Jilin Prison
After learning of this urgent news, the Falun Dafa Information Centre held a press conference in the afternoon of October 27. Spokesman Scott Chinn said, going on hunger strike is the only thing those persecuted practitioners can do after being deprived of all human rights. He also pointed out that in China's prisons, the guards use various torture instruments on practitioners. They torture practitioners both physically and mentally. Practitioners are not even allowed to appeal the brutal treatment they receive.
On the night of the 27th, it was raining and very cold. But still nearly one hundred practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in New York City to support their fellow practitioners and call upon the Chinese government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong. They also held a candlelight vigil. Their biggest wish is that the Chinese government stop the persecution as soon as possible.
Practitioner Ms. Zhang Derong, who also brought her young son here, said, "We just want to show our support for fellow practitioners who are suffering in China. Compared to their suffering, our exposure to the rain and wind here is nothing."
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