Hereafter are the excerpts of the speeches:
Mayor's assistant and secretary Chiao Tiesuo indicted that Falun Gong originated from the Mainland but couldn't be promoted in Mainland, which was unimaginable. On the contrary, it developed fast in Taiwan which is only a small place. The Falun Gong practitioners were all healthy and energetic, and worthy of our respect. Cultivating the mind and body and conforming to the principle of "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance" is a common aim of human beings. He wished the practitioners on the bike tour to be safe and wished their persistence would evoke more support for Falun Gong and stop the Communist party's violation of human rights. He wished the practitioners' request would become reality soon.
Former Mayor of Keelung City, Professor of Ocean University, Yang Wenheng said that Lin Shiaokai had the same occupation as him doing research into ocean engineering. The association was very concerned about this matter. There were also four wives of Taiwanese who were also illegally detained in China. The Keelung people welcomed the bike tour's appeal for human rights, and hoped those four women would return to Taiwan soon.
Direct Chen from "People First Party" Committee member Liu Wenxiong's office said Falun Gong practitioners cared about others as much as themselves. They started the campaign to rescue four Taiwan spouses illegally detained in China. Their hearts of loving the Taiwan people and their members were respectable. Committee Member Liu Wenxiong will push the legislative council to fully support Falun Gong and pressure on China to release the Taiwan bridegrooms as soon as possible.
Democratic Progressive Party Committee Member Wang Tuo office vice director Cai Shiying said Jiang Zemin's regime violated the basic human rights of Taiwan people and Taiwan spouse. They were treated unfair in Mainland China. The same happened to tourists and businessmen. They arrest at will Taiwanese people without legal procedure. We want to join the appeal. We want to let China know their behaviour was not acceptable to Taiwanese people.
Representative and director Cheng Guangliang from council member Shi Shiming's office encouraged the practitioners and said that they still had a long road to go and they would reach their aim eventually.
Committee member of China Human Rights Association Wu Huilin said that Lin Shiaokai was released from China in a short time. This showed that the voice of the people would not be ignored. Facing unfair, injustice and wrong doing, one should step up and not try to avoid and encourage the evil. This will scare the evil. China is a country with a long history of etiquette. After ten years of Cultural Revolution, the virtue and morality were gone. After twenty years of economic reform and development, it was corrupted. The free countries should help China to pay attention to human rights and to protect human rights.
In the end, Falun Gong representative, practitioner Fu Wenlong gave a speech and shared his experiences about health improvement after practising the exercises, wanting to let more people learn about the exercises and let people know about the persecution going on in China. He wanted to evoke more support from the people and rescue the practitioners illegally detained and promote Falun Dafa to benefit of the world.

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