Clearwisdom Boston reporter Yue Ran reports: After his stops in New York and Washington, Wen Jiabao arrived in Boston on December 10. This was the last stop on his trip to the US. Dafa practitioners from the New England Area, including Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire as well as other areas worked together to clarify the truth about Dafa to Chinese people from afar, overseas Chinese and people from all walks of life in Boston.
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In the morning at Harvard Business School and at noon at the Boston Seaport Hotel, Wen Jiabao's motorcade passed by practitioners in yellow clothes holding up banners and quietly performing Falun Gong exercises.
Practitioners welcomed Wen Jiabao to the US to learn the truth about Falun Dafa, and at the same time, in the face of such evil persecution, practitioners also clearly conveyed the message: Stop the persecution as soon as possible and bring Jiang Zemin, the head of the persecution, to justice. Practitioners displayed three banners that read, "Welcome Wen Jiabao to the US," "Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice," and "Falun Dafa is Great."
Help from U.S. police officers and governmental staff
During this event, we received much help from police and governmental staff. When Falun Gong practitioners prepared to display banners at a place where Wen's motorcade would pass, city and state policemen as well as secret security asked them to leave, with the excuse of obstructing their duty. After clarifying the truth to them, practitioners peacefully and rationally cooperated and moved further away from the spot. However, when practitioners just moved a little farther, the police waved to them, indicating that they should not move too far. The police also promised that they would notify us when the motorcade was about to come. So, with the help of police officers who learned the truth, practitioners displayed all the banners to face the oncoming motorcade.
At Boston Seaport where Wen went to visit, a reporter (who was also a Falun Gong practitioner) who had all the required documents was refused entry by Chinese special agents. He insisted on his right to enter and debated with them rationally, and eventually the Chinese agents' improper behaviour irritated the State and Seaport officials as well as U.S. police and other reporters. At that time, many Chinese and western reporters were present. When those Chinese agents insisted on not allowing this reporter to enter and even threatened to cancel Wen's visit to the Seaport, one Seaport official who was in charge of the reception said: "It is Wen Jiabao's freedom whether or not he comes here for a visit. However, we should hold on to our values and freedoms, which we won't give up." Finally, with help from Seaport staff and police, the reporter was allowed to enter to cover Wen's visit."
Indeed, there are many similar incidents in which Chinese officials tried to oppress Falun Gong practitioners' activities on U.S. soil. One practitioner shared his view about this issue: "Jiang's regime not only persecutes Falun Gong in China, it is also trying to extend the persecution overseas. It often spreads slanderous lies against Falun Gong and uses all means to obstruct Falun Gong practitioners' activities. In the past several years, we have been continuously clarifying the truth to the U.S. public and government officials at all levels. Consequently, they all have developed a rather deep understanding about us and showed their sympathy and support. Jiang's lies and bad behaviour are not accepted outside of China anymore. In fact, both in China and abroad, our clarifying the truth is to expose the lies so that people can rationally think about and make a correct judgment on this important issue."
More Chinese learn the truth about Falun Gong
Mr. Wang from New York said: "Wen's motorcade saw the banners 'Welcome Wen Jiabao to US' and 'Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice' displayed; I saw that many of those in the cars were smiling."
Mr. Liang, a software engineer from Massachusetts, said: "There were 5 buses used by the Overseas Chinese from other areas who came to greet Wen Jiaobao. When I passed them with these banners in my hands, many people in the buses were very excited. One person who saw me first called others to look at the banners, and thus all the people in that bus saw these two banners. I waved to them and they waved back. They all know the truth."
Justice is in people's hearts
People from all walks of life in general understood and accepted our message: ""Welcome Wen Jiabao to US", "Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice" and "Falun Dafa is Great."
Below are some comments about our activities:
People from other Chinese groups: Good job, Falun Gong. Keep it up!
Some non-Falun Gong practitioners even added "Falun Gong Practitioners Are Innocent" to their banners during their protest.
Overseas Chinese from other areas: What you have done is very good.
Restaurant owner: The banner you have displayed must have enraged Jiang Zemin.
Boston Police: Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
A local reporter who witnessed the practitioner's righteous demeanour despite Chinese consulate's undue behaviour, said: You are very courageous.
A Hong Kong reporter commented after seeing our banners: Falun Gong practitioners have done a great job.
Indeed, if all the people learn the truth of the persecution and understand that Falun Gong is doing all this for the public, they would despise the bad people who are persecuting good people and it would not be long for sunshine to dissipate the dense fog.
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