Australia's National Day is January the 26th. In celebration of this holiday, Falun Gong practitioners participated in the annual Sydney Boat Parade, one of the most popular events during Sydney's National Day celebration. Every year, boats of all kinds flock to the famous Darling Harbour and waterfront of Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. Two years ago, Falun Gong practitioners participated in this event and won a prize. This year, practitioners not only showed the other boats and offshore spectators a beautiful Falun Dafa vessel, but also invited local Chinese people to the boat to celebrate Chinese New Year and learn the truth about Falun Gong.
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When practitioners' boat approached Darling Harbour, the well-decorated vessel attracted a lot of attention. In the bow was a striking "Falun Dafa" sign. The vessel was decorated with colourful ribbons and Chinese traditional lanterns. At the top level, practitioners dressed in Tang Dynasty attire waved their hands to greet people offshore and on other vessels. Several people in the large Chinese group waiting for the vessel exclaimed, "Our ship has arrived!"
With about 100 passengers on board, the practitioners' boat left the harbour at 11:30 a.m. and started a four and a half hour sail. Besides enjoying the picturesque landscape, at the middle level of the ship, passengers could also watch the First Chinese New Year Global Gala on a big screen. The Gala was a special presentation by New Tang Dynasty TV Station (NTDTV). The videotape was presented by NTDTV Sydney Station in appreciation of practitioners' support and participation in the Gala.
In the ship's lower level, practitioners presented a photo exhibition of Falun Dafa for passengers. The exhibition documented the spread of Falun Dafa around the world since its introduction in 1992 by Master Li Hongzhi. At the top level, practitioners in Tang Dynasty attire gave presentations introducing Chinese traditional culture. The emperor (impersonated by a western practitioner) was the most popular figure. Passengers strove to be the first to have their photos taken with the "emperor" and "Heavenly Beauties." Practitioners also demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises.
When other vessels passed by, many passengers on those vessels were attracted by the traditional Chinese attire. They waved their hands to greet us and exclaimed loudly. The practitioners' boat was a unique, beautiful and bright scene on the Sydney Sea and was selected as Sydney's "Best Dressed Vessel Finalist."
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