From January the 26th to January the 28th, the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era", organised by the “International Advocates for Justice” was held in Stockholm, Sweden. At the same time, renowned Chinese artist Zhang Cuiying held an exhibition of her paintings in a gallery near the conference venue. Conference participants from Asia, Africa, Latin America and North America visited the exhibition. A Swedish national TV station produced an interesting report on the painting exhibition.
Whilst visiting the exhibition, many renowned people mentioned to Ms. Zhang that they were stunned by a conference presentation revealing the appalling persecution of Falun Gong and the secret brainwashing system in China. They felt that the traditional Chinese paintings displayed peaceful righteousness and the artist’s warm heart. Ms. Zhang said: “I hope my paintings are able to show the goodness of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance” to people, so as to touch their consciences.”
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After taking home one of Ms. Zhang’s painting, a Swedish activist who attended the International Conference excitedly told Ms. Zhang how when she got home she felt that the old painting on her wall was too gloomy, so she replaced it with Ms. Zhang’s painting. The following evening when she returned home with her husband, they felt that the room was bright before turning on the lights. They realised that it was because the painting was beaming.
This renowned Chinese artist from Australia is a Falun Gong practitioner. She was once illegally imprisoned and the victim of brutal torture in China for eight months because she returned to China to peacefully appeal for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. With the Australian government’s rescue efforts and pressure from the international media, she was released. For the past three years, Zhang Cuiying has held painting exhibitions around the world. Through these exhibitions, she wants to tell people her own experiences so as to let them know that the persecution of innocent people is happening in China. Her painting exhibition has been held in more than one hundred cities in sixty plus countries, and highly welcomed and appreciated by the general public.
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