Breaking Through the Obstacles to Find an Exhibition Location
The exhibition of practitioner Zhang Cuiying's paintings in Moscow was held for three days, and many local people came to visit. The most spectacular thing was that many reporters came to interview the artist everyday.
Russia Falun Dafa practitioners started looking for an exhibition location ten days before the exhibition. Almost every cultural or art museum declined to host the exhibition for a variety of reasons. With great difficulty, we finally found a place to hold the exhibition. However, three days before hand, the location not only declined the exhibition, but also dismissed the person who agreed to host it. All our advertisements, invitation letters, and flyers became invalid and needed to be reprinted. The local practitioners were determined to overcome this obstacles and have the exhibition smoothly held in Moscow.
Then the Moscow Journalist Club agreed to host the exhibition and let us use the walls in the hallway and in the press conference centre. It meant that only the walls could be used and the room could only be used for press conferences. At the beginning, some practitioners thought that it was not convenient, safe or appealing to have the exhibition in the hallway. However, all reporters coming here for business walked through the hallway everyday. They became interested in the paintings. The practitioners handed out literature that introduced the artist and the truth of Falun Gong. During other press conferences, many reporters showed up and were able to see the paintings and interview the artist.
It was a great opportunity to tell the press circle about Falun Gong. During the last four days, Falun Gong and the exhibition have been reported positively twice in radio broadcasts, including a 10-minute live broadcast.
The head of a human rights organization in Russia highly praised the paintings, "Such nice traditional Chinese paintings. It is rare to see such high level Chinese art in Russia." He said to Zhang Cuiying frankly, "It has significant meaning for you to have the exhibition here to help those Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China because you are a true case of the persecution. ..." He said he would cherish the chance to hold more press conferences for Zhang Cuiying and to arrange her to meet reporters, members of parliament and figures of various parties to unveil the truth and help the Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China.
Press conference in Moscow
Practitioners from St. Petersburg came to Moscow with Zhang Cuiying by train after the exhibition in St. Petersburg had concluded. They directly went to the exhibition hall to set up the paintings after their train arrived. During the last few days, they worked more than ten hours everyday. Sometimes it was already 1 or 2am when they returned to where they were staying. They kept practising and studying the Fa [principles of Falun Gong] everyday. The practitioners explained the unusual experience of the artist to every visitor. An senior lady said with emotion while listening, "How come? Such a nice artist, and such beautiful paintings." Many visitors not only took the truth-clarifying materials but also tried to get the Falun Dafa books. Some visitors even asked the practitioners to teach the five-sets of exercises on the spot.

In the entrance, Zhang Cuiying's painting "Eliminating evil demons" was hung
In the afternoon on the fourth day, an unexpected Chinese visitor came. At the beginning she claimed that she was a student in Moscow University and later she said she was employed here after graduation. We handed a Falun Dafa bookmark to this woman. She refused immediately, "I don't want it. I know Qigong is not good." In addition, she said she was from Changchun City, Jilin Province. Apparently she was a swindler. She walked back and forth and spoke to Russian visitors with slanderous remarks about Falun Gong. She asked these people not to believe or practise. She inquired about the host of the exhibition and the master of the artist. All of us understood who dispatched her here.
The practitioners asked her kindly, "Do you know about Falun Gong?" She dared not answer directly, "I am not interested in this issue." The practitioner asked, "If you are not interested, why do you say it is not good and don't want others to practise?" She found that her plot was exposed, then said, "My major is philosophy. I am not interested in Qigong. I did not say anything." The practitioners told her, "You should be responsible for what you have said. You never read Falun Gong books. How can you say it is not good? What you have done harms others as well as yourself." She left gloomily.
In order to eliminate her baneful influence, the practitioners found the young man she just cheated and explained to him how good Falun Gong is with their own experiences. At last the young man said, "The lady said it was not good, but could not say why. You say it is good with facts and reason. I trust you."
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