On March the 7th, the first Latin America Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held at the First Civic Centre in Argentina's capital, Buenos Aires. Practitioners from Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Santo Domingo, Mexico as well as practitioners from Spain, Canada, France, U.S. and Germany attended.
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During the conference, more than 10 practitioners shared their experiences, several coming to tears for being able to attend this precious conference.
At the end of the conference, practitioners took pictures together to send as greetings to Master. Practitioners also sang "Falun Dafa Hao" and "Coming For You".
On March the 8th, all practitioners attended a large group study and discussion. Practitioners planned to hold several activities after the conference and will go to Cordoba, the second largest city of Argentina, to introduce Falun Dafa and clarify the truth.
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