"Journey of Falun Dafa" Photo Exhibit at Taiwan's Chinese Culture University

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Taiwan's Chinese Culture University Falun Dafa Club organised a "Journey of Falun Dafa Photo Exhibit" from March the 29th to April the 2nd 2004.Because of its central location, many administration officials, teachers and students visited the exhibition. The practitioners guided the visitors and explained the exhibits so as to help them understand the persecution in Mainland China as well as the benefits of Falun Gong to both practitioners and society.

Students looking at the photos

An interested teacher asking about the benefits of practising Falun Gong

During the five-day exhibition, the introductory materials on the table often ran out because of the high demand. Many teachers, staff members, and students were curious about Falun Dafa (Falun Gong). Some of them wanted to learn the exercises. Some students borrowed the book Zhuan Falun to read at home. Some instructors wanted to attend the nine-day Fa study and Exercise teaching class.

The passersby were especially attracted to the picture of a little western practitioner practising the exercises. The practitioners introduced the history of Falun Dafa, its wide popularity around the world, the Jiang group's persecution due to his jealousy, and the fact that Taiwan has over 300,000 practitioners.

The practitioners also talked about the tortures Zhao Ming, a university student in Ireland, had experienced in China. The listeners were surprised to learn the truth about the persecution.

After learning the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China, the teachers and students expressed their appreciation and support for Falun Dafa and hoped that the persecution would end soon. It was quite obvious that many students and teachers learned the truth about Falun Dafa through this first on-campus photo exhibit organised by the Falun Dafa Club.

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