UK Falun Gong practitioners held a symbolic trial of Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin in London on April the 24th and 25th in commemoration of the 5th anniversary of "4.25." In addition, a press conference was held at the Chinese embassy on April the 25th announcing that UK Falun Gong practitioners planned to sue Jiang for his crimes of genocide and torture, and demanding that the UK government bar those involved in the persecution of Falun Gong from entering Britain.
On April the 24th, UK Falun Gong practitioners held a symbolic trial of Jiang outside the UK Royal Court of Justice and another trial was held at the Chinese embassy in London on April the 25th. The symbolic trial, composed of plaintiffs, defendants, judges, the plaintiffs' lawyer, the defendant's lawyer and witnesses, followed the procedures of the legal system of England and Wales. First, the plaintiffs' lawyer stated the atrocities commited against Falun Gong practitioners by the "610 Office" on Jiang's orders. Over one thousand practitioners were persecuted to death, thousands have been sent to psychiatric hospitals and tortured there, over 100,000 practitioners unlawfully imprisoned, millions of families separated, and 100 million people deprived of the freedom of belief. Then, witnesses, former government officials, the wife of the head of "610 Office", the chair of the European Falun Gong Association, relatives of the 1,400 practitioners who were persecuted to death, and Falun Gong practitioners who have been tortured were individually brought to the court. The witnesses narrated the facts of the persecution to the judge from various angles. Finally, based on undeniable evidence, the judge found Jiang guilty.
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At the press conference held at the Chinese Embassy, Peter Jauhal, chair of UK Falun Gong Association, announced that UK Falun Gong practitioners will sue Jiang Zemin for his crimes of genocide and torture, and demanded the UK Government ban those involved in the persecution of Falun Gong from entering the UK. Lord Francis Thurlow, a former British diplomat, delivered a speech condemning Jiang and his accomplices for their persecution of Falun Gong for the last five years, a persecution on such an incomparably large-scale that it has no equivalent in human history. Falun Gong practitioners in the UK and another fourteen countries have filed lawsuits against Jiang and his accomplices responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong, Mr Jauhal was cited as saying. The UK choir also sang a chorus of "Coming for You" to show practitioners' concern for humankind.
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On April the 25th 1999, Falun Gong practitioners made a peaceful appeal at the Central Appeals Office beside Zhongnanhai, the headquarters of China's top leaders, demanding that the government release the practitioners unlawfully imprisoned and asking for a free environement to practise the exercises. Falun Gong practitioners' peace, rationality, trust, tolerance, self-control, and upgraded morality had earned them admiration from the international community. Symbolic of rationality, peace and improvement in China's modern civic movements to safeguard human rights, the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal has been endowed with an historic meaning. In their effort to safeguard people's freedom of belief, Falun Gong practitioners have lived their lives by the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" for the past five years. Falun Gong has been widely spread all over the world, though faced with a brutal persecution, and is now recognised by many countries as a symbol of traditional Chinese culture. UK Falun Gong pracatitioners have been highly praised and won first prize in successive years during the Edinburgh Festival. Falun Gong has widely spread the essence of Chinese culture around the world.
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