Practitioner’s Good Reputation Forces Release From Illegal Detention

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Practitioner’s Good Reputation Forces Release From Illegal Detention

On September 26, 2001, Gao Fengzhi, director of the Tonghua County Police Department and Yu Chengbao, the section chief and four other policemen from Yinggebu Town forcibly dragged out a practitioner from home who is a farmer, while she was using the toilet. They handcuffed the practitioner and put her in police car No.2, sent her to Kuaida Town and held her for 22 hours. They detained the practitioner in the Changliu Detention Centre with the excuse of "instigating and making trouble." As this practitioner had been a very good person and had a good reputation in the village, her husband and neighbours went to the police station and police department every day during her detention period, demanding her release. The authorities of Tonghua County had to release her.

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