Ms. Qixin Dong, 55, was nailed to a wooden board for more than two months. Guards in Xinyu Detention Centre of Jiangxi Province hammered 7-inch (~18cm) long spikes through her hands and ankles in July. It was reported earlier that Ms. Dong was abducted to the Xinyu Detention Centre after her home was illegally ransacked. It was said that she was severely tortured for three days and then nailed to a wood board by the authorities because she refused to denounce Falun Gong.
Words can't convey the tremendous suffering Ms. Dong has been enduring. The hands and feet are the most sensitive parts of the human body, and the pain caused by hammering spikes through them can result in loss of consciousness or even death.
Today, crucifixion is reappearing in China, and it targets people who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Ms. Dong and hundreds of thousands Falun Gong practitioners are suffering persecution that they don't deserve. They are suffering simply for safeguarding the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
Who are they crying for?
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Statue of Virgin Mary | Crying Bodhisattva Guanyin Statue |
On the 19th of March, 2002, a Virgin Mary statue shed tears; in July of 2002, a stone of Jerusalem's Western Wall (the Wailing Wall) started to steadily drip water; on the 17th of January, 2003, tear stains emerged underneath of the right eye of a Bodhisattva Guanyin Statue in Kaohsiung of Taiwan, and the stains stayed intact even after several rain showers.
Is there anything that can shock heaven and earth, moving the gods to tears? I hope people will realise the truth before it is too late.
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