This article describes the mental and physical abuses Liaoning Province's Beipiao City Falun Gong practitioner Liu Dianqin suffered under the persecution, particularly in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Though Ms. Liu was released, the tortures she had endured left her handicapped.
The following are the re-enactments of some of the abuse that Ms. Liu Dianqin suffered. We hereby call on people around the world to offer your help to stop the persecution.
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Illustrations of some of the abuse that Ms. Liu Dianqin suffered |
I am 48 years old and attained the Fa in September 1996. I had many illnesses prior to attaining the Fa. Back then when we practised the exercises and studied the Fa in groups, I saw practitioners' rapid moral and physical improvements. One practitioner immediately returned the extra money a bank cashier gave her by mistake. Everyone worked hard and let go of attachments to recognition and personal interests.
On the morning of April 25, 1999, I learned that personnel from the Tianjin Police Department had beaten and arrested many practitioners without cause. I went to Beijing that same day. I wanted to tell the leaders of our country that Falun Gong was good for the country and people. On July 20, 1999, Jiang's regime outlawed Falun Gong. I went to Beijing again that day. There was one simple purpose for my trip - I had benefited greatly from Falun Gong, and I had to tell people the facts about Falun Gong.
In Beijing I was arrested on my way to Zhongnanhai (the leadership compound) and sent back to the Beipiao Police Department's Nanshan Police Station. The next morning my husband came to bring me food and told me that our eight-year-old daughter was crying at home. I could not let go of my emotional attachment, so I wrote a "guarantee" and my husband paid a 1,000 Yuan fine. I was then released. When I learned that our home was searched several days ago and that my Dafa books and Master's picture were taken away, I felt so bad and cried. Since then, my home was often searched and I was frequently called to the police station. I always clarified the truth about Dafa to them.
I tried to go to Beijing to appeal again in December 1999, but my family members stopped me at the train station. My husband beat me for two hours that day.
One day in June of 2000, I was at the home of a fellow practitioner, making plans to go to Beijing to validate Dafa the next day. Unfortunately the police came and all of us were arrested. After being imprisoned in a detention centre for three months, all nine of us were sent to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp since we refused to give up Dafa.
At Masanjia they did not allow me to sleep, and both the guards and criminals beat me. Under such enormous pressure, I went along an evil path. Soon all the illnesses I had recovered from came back. On February 19, 2001, I was released. During this period I did a lot of things that attacked Dafa and are not worthy of Master's benevolent salvation. My health deteriorated in 2001, and neither modern medicine nor Chinese medicine helped. I had a brain tumour. The treatments at Beipiao Hospital only made it worse.
One day on my way home from the pharmacy I ran into a fellow practitioner. She told me, "It is wrong to be 'reformed'! You were so firm before. How can you be like this now?" I was not clear then if being 'reformed' was right or wrong. I realised I had made a terrible mistake as soon as the fellow practitioner told me this. I cried to Master, asking forgiveness and saying, "Master, I was wrong, I want to keep practising." Master soon purified my body.
On October 16, 2001, the police came to my home, asking, "Are you recovered from your illnesses?" I told them, "Yes, because I practised again." The police took me to the station and asked me to write down my understanding about Dafa. I wrote my Solemn Declaration, declaring my prior words and deeds against Dafa to be null and void. They sent me to a detention centre and within two days sentenced me to two years of forced labour. My family members showed the police department my CT diagnosis and paid the fine. I was released seventeen days later, on November 5, 2001.
On March 7, 2002, the police chief phoned me, telling me to go to the police station. I did not go. Several minutes later, the deputy chief and two police officers came to arrest me, but I escaped. The next day they arrested me from a relative's home and sent me to a detention centre. On March 9, I was sent to Masanjia again and assigned to Division No.1, Group No. 6.
I started validating the Fa as soon as I arrived at Masanjia. Police locked me into a warehouse where former practitioners who had embraced the evil path surrounded me, trying to persuade me. I refused to listen to them and kept practising the exercises. The police cuffed my hands, and then beat and verbally abused me. I called out, "Falun Dafa is great!" The division director called in four male police officers and said, "Send her to a place to do the exercises." They sent me to a small cell, where I was continuously handcuffed onto a small bench for 15 days; my legs and feet became swollen. Later they took me to the warehouse again and the police called in many people to brainwash me.
One morning, two former practitioners who turned against Dafa asked me if I wanted to practise, and I answered yes. They tied my hands behind me to a heater pipe and slapped my face. My face became swollen. They said that I was too stubborn and they would increase the pressure to reform me. I called out, "Falun Dafa is great!" The police and the "Reformed" people gagged me with dirty rags. I refused to do the daily military-style training. Police officer Ren Hongcan instructed two criminals to drag me by my hands while they were cuffed behind me, and also dragged me by my hair. They did not stop until the military training was over. As a result of this abuse, I could not move my arms.
On August 22, 2002, Masanjia held a conference slandering Dafa. All of the practitioners were called to the yard. Many police officers surrounded the more than 1,000 practitioners. When the labour camp warden named Su Jing announced the persecution order, many practitioners and I called out "Falun Dafa is great!" Two police officers dragged me away. I kept calling out and the police hit my head with a pair of handcuffs. Later they cuffed my hands and taped my mouth shut with duct tape. After the conference, all of the practitioners who called out "Falun Dafa is great" were sent to their divisions, where the slandering conference continued. The police locked me in small cell and tied me to the Tiger Bench since I kept calling out "Falun Dafa is great!"
At 9:00 p.m., division head Wang Xiaofeng and group head Ren Hongcan came to the small cells to interrogate those practitioners who had called out "Falun Dafa is great!" They wrote down what we said and ordered us to sign the document. Later, our terms were extended by five months. Because I went on a hunger strike in the small cell and kept vomiting, deputy group head Yang and two "Reformed" people took me to the Masanjia Hospital during the morning of August 23, where they wanted to do a stomach X-ray. I could not drink the barium sulfate. Two police officers and two reformed helpers dragged me by my hair to pull me down to the floor and pried my mouth open with a metal spoon. I did not cooperate. They held my nose and forced three glasses of sulfate down. They did not let me breathe in the process, and I was almost suffocated. Other people in the hospital saw this.
In September, Masanjia called another slandering conference. I called out again "Falun Dafa is great!" My sentence was extended for another two months. Once when they forced me to watch TV programs slandering Dafa, I closed my eyes. The police pulled my eyes open for more than half hour, making my eyes red and swollen. They extended my sentence by another ten days.
On December 5, 2002, another round of intense suppression and torment started. Masanjia stopped work and refused to admit any visitors. Liaoning Province's government organised "reformation teams" from different cities with "610 Office" staff, police teams and reformed people coming to Masanjia. TV programs slandering Dafa played from morning till evening for over a month in order to brainwash practitioners. At 9:00 p.m. on December 16th, police officer Ren Hongcan called me to the office to forcibly brainwash me. They cuffed my hands behind me, gagged me with a paper towel taped my mouth with duct tape and winding it around my head, and read books slandering Dafa in my ear.
Since I was firm in Dafa, they abused me more intensively starting on December 29. At 3:00 p.m., police sent me to the staff lounge, where Ren Hongcan sat me down against my will, made me cross my legs in the double-lotus position, and tied them up and tied my hands behind me also. In the evening Ren dragged me to the toilet and tied me up the same way. Helper Li Shufen said, "If you still refuse to reform, I will force you to sit on your Master's photo, that way you could not release urine or bowel anymore." On December 30 in the morning, they untied me, but two people kicked me from front and back. Afterwards they tied me back up. I was tied in the same way for 21 hours continuously.
Later on, they still wanted to torture me, but my body collapsed. By 10:00 p.m. when they dragged me back to my room, my legs and feet were terribly swollen; my back hurt so badly that I could not even stand. I could not urinate any longer and I felt sharp pain in my arms. My feet became numb for over ten hours. I lost so much weight that people could not even recognise me, yet police Ren Hongcan made people sit by my bed who continuously read books slandering Dafa to me, or they played TV programs slandering Dafa and forced me to tell them my understanding. I clarified the truth about Dafa, but they dragged me to the floor.
Ren Hongcan called over a male police officer to give me injections. The shots were given through my clothes; my underwear was not washed for over half a year and my dress was also very dirty from the abuse. They gave me shots for three days and deducted a medical fee of 60 Yuan from my account. Later, Ren Hongcan instructed "Reformed" people to force me take their medicine. I refused, but five or six people pushed me down to the floor, pulled my hair and knocked my head against the ground, leaving several bumps on my head. They did not allow me to wash my underwear or take a bath, even during my menstrual period. They eventually took me to the Masanjia Hospital. The ultrasound diagnosed a tumour in my lower abdomen. They sent me to another hospital for surgery and removed a large tumour. On the day before the Chinese New Year, all the inmates were required to go get new numbers. I was too weak to walk, yet Ren Hongcan had two people drag me along the ground to the office.
I was not allowed to go downstairs for meals until April. Two "Reformed" people had to hold me up to walk. They kept telling me their evil messages on the way. They often abused me verbally, and purposefully let me slump down to the ground and then dragged me. On May 16, 2003, "Reformed" person Liu Yang from Fuxin City pushed me down from behind. I fell very hard onto the ground and could not get up. Since then I could not go downstairs for meals again. On October 25, 2003, "Reformed" person Liu Juan from Dalian City's Zhuanghe pushed me down from behind again. Since then I could not even get out of my bed.
In December 2003, division heads Wang Xiaofeng and Zhang Chunguang called me to the office, attempting again to reform me. The enormous pressure I suffered almost precipitated a mental collapse.
By May 28, 2004, when I was released, I could not walk at all. I was carried to a police car to go home. Lots of people watched when I arrived at the building where I lived. They were shocked to see me having been tortured so terribly. My family members complained to the "610 Office." Some people gave me food; some commented that the TV programs always said they were educating Falun Gong practitioners--how come a good person who was so-called "educated" ended up handicapped? I told people how much abuse Dafa practitioners suffered at Masanjia. My family members carried me home more than five hours later. Under the care of my family members, I kept practising the exercises in bed and got better quickly.
The above is a simple description of the abuses I suffered. It is impossible to accurately describe with a pen the mental pressure and physical suffering I experienced. I am finally free, though still handicapped. Currently, there are so many practitioners like me who are still imprisoned at Masanjia. They are experiencing these terrible things every minute there. I hereby call on all the kind-hearted people around the world to offer your help: let's stop the persecution together and help those practitioners become free as soon as possible.
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