February 8, 2005 was the eve of the Chinese New Year. More than 60 Chinese practitioners living in Seoul and surrounding areas gathered at their indoor practice site in Seoul to study the principles of Falun Dafa, practise the exercises, share experiences, watch the New Tang Dynasty Chinese New Year Gala 2005, and write letters revealing the facts of the persecution to be mailed to China.
The event started 4 pm Practitioners studied the principles of Falun Dafa for 3 hours. A new practitioner said, "This is my first time to partake in such a gathering. I feel that my body and spirit has been purified." A Korean practitioner who was a monk for years and then started to practise Falun Gong said, "I like to participate in Chinese practitioners' events. Though I can't understand their language, I feel our hearts are communicating. It is so wonderful."
Around 8pm, practitioners watched videos 6 and 7 of a series entitled "Let's Tell The Future" which showed everyone the great efforts of practitioners around the world are making to assist in exposing the persecution of Falun Dafa. At this very moment, practitioners came to understand better what Master Li has given and endured for practitioners. Looking back on the righteous belief, thoughts and acts of all Fa-rectification practitioners, many were moved to tears.
After the NTDTV Chinese New Year Gala, practitioners started to share experiences. In the past year, everyone was busy with what he or she should do and rarely had time to share experiences. Today, every practitioner was provided an opportunity to share. Through sharing, practitioners realised how fast the Fa rectification is progressing today and that the methods of truth-clarification need to be adjusted as well. All these require that practitioners discipline themselves strictly according to the Fa and enlighten to the wisdom needed to thoroughly expose the truth.
Starting at 3 am the next day (February 9), practitioners started to write letters that will be mailed to China so that more people will learn the truth of Falun Dafa.
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