The best way to help the practitioners in China right now was discussed. Several good suggestions came up and many of these will be carried out during this winter and the coming spring. All practitioners felt from the depth of their hearts the will to do something to put an end to the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China without delay. Even though the sorrow was large for the circumstances the Chinese practitioners are forced to live under, the happiness for being together during this special occasion was there.
It is a joyful task to, one by one and together, contribute to the complete manifestation of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance in the world and in the human heart. The New Years Eve also included beautiful songs, music and dancing. At midnight a Falun Dafa meditation was done together.

During the weekend the nine lectures where Teacher Li Hongzhi talks about Falun Dafa where shown. These video-lectures are very well liked and they bring up all the principles that are also contained in the book Zhuan Falun.

Activities were carried out in public places. Many participated even though it was cold winter weather. It is wonderful to be able to do the exercises outdoors even when the wind bites.

The flags of Falun Gong fluttered in the wind when there were Falun Dafa spreading activities in the park called “Slottsskogen”.

During the New Years Eve many practitioners participated with music, song, dance, juggling, aloud reading of poems, speeches and somersaults. This gave rise to many good laughs, warm applause and one or two tears.

During the New Years Eve everybody learned the Chinese song, Falun Dafa Hao. The song was sung with full strength on the stage and at the same time everything was videotaped in order to send tapes to practitioners in China.
A New Years Greeting to all Chinese practitioners; We are with you and will continue to do everything we can to bring an end to the persecution without delay.
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