Singapore: Sound of Waist-Drums Leads the Way

Falun Gong Practitioners in Singapore Participate in the "Big Walk"
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On the morning of Sunday, May 22nd, 2005, the annual Singapore "Big Walk" began. At 7:30 am, tens of thousands of sports and health enthusiasts lined up outside the national stadium and set off. The atmosphere was quite festive.

Singapore Falun Gong practitioners were present in large numbers among the constant stream of people. They wore yellow shirts printed with "Falun Dafa" or "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" in Chinese and English and held colourful balloons. Some held yellow banners with the words, "Falun Dafa is good", "Falun Gong brings physical and mental health to a hundred million people", "Falun Gong is practised in 78 countries in the world" and so on. The Falun Gong practitioners' waist-drum troupe led the way, consisting of dozens of enthusiastic practitioners. Several photographers took pictures of the procession, which received warm applause from the spectators.

Singapore Falun Gong practitioners' procession in the "Big Walk"

Having been through all kinds of tribulations, this group of cultivators displayed the beauty of Falun Dafa and the power of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to the people lining the streets.

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