Several years ago, when clarifying the truth of Falun Gong over the Internet, I often sensed unspoken hatred from some Internet surfers incited by the propaganda and deceit of the Party. Some people, unprovoked, would say "Go to hell!" to a person whom they had never met nor had any conflict with. From such actions, one can see the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s distortion of human nature.
The CCP has destroyed traditional Chinese culture, a culture based on the course of nature and human relations and ethics. The CCP has completely distorted human thinking with its oppressive propaganda and brainwashing over a long period of time. The propaganda has permeated people's way of thinking, culture and ideology with "CCP culture," which is characterised by "deception-wickedness-violence." People have been taught to use the Party's concepts of "political atheism" and "class struggle" to treat things. The CCP has irrefutably altered people's thoughts, and the all-permeating CCP culture, existing everywhere, has played an enormous role in the persecution of Falun Gong.
Jiang's regime has failed in its persecution of Falun Gong, and more and more people are thinking things over and becoming clearer about the truth of Falun Gong. But the CCP culture is still blocking a group of people from becoming aware of the truth, making them callous and muddleheaded. Unwittingly, these people are adding fuel to the fire or even helping a tyrant to do evil unconsciously.
I. The basis of the CCP's false claim "the persecution is justified"
The CCP's history is one of slaughter. Party members kill those outside the party, and they even kill others inside the party. Since the CCP came to power in 1949, its "proletariat dictatorship" has resulted in the deaths of between 60 million and 80 million Chinese citizens, and an uncountable additional number of people have been hurt or maimed. But why are there still many people who fail to be aware of the evil nature of the CCP? Their self-interest is one of the reasons, but most importantly, it is because behind the scenes of its violent dictatorship, it wields it mightiest weapon: the pen. Party propaganda plays a huge role in whipping up public opinion. While boosting and cheering for the current targets of slaughter, the propaganda also promotes a set of evil theories to legitimise all the past misconduct of the CCP in fighting and killing people in all its past movements. Its methods include entrapment, cheating, abduction, lies, moral decay, beatings, destruction of property and personal belongings, robbing, burning, killing and ransacking, etc.
1. The core theory of the CCP's bandit logic
The CCP culture, its literary arts and propaganda, all serve its need for "struggle." Without these political struggles, the party could not have maintained power. By wielding the mighty pen of its propaganda, it spins grand theories and excuses justifying its murder of the Chinese people, applauds the killing and encourages people to sing the praises of CCP for its slaughter. Just as fascist mobs shouted, "Mussolini is always correct" along the streets of Italy in the 1950's, the CCP promulgates the false theory of Marxism as the ultimate truth "which is correct under all circumstances." It lavishes praise on the evil party which advocates "deception-wickedness-violence" as being "always correct." Through the means of "deception-wickedness-violence," the CCP reinforces its position of absolute rule in people's minds. The CCP's power features dictatorship, swindling, evil, hatred, terrorism and horror and it deceives people with the propaganda claiming "what I say goes." It makes the people believe that the CCP is not only in control of worldly power, but also holds all truth, morality and conscience. It makes people further believe that the CCP not only dominates all of worldly life, but also dominates the spiritual realm, and that the party is omnipotent, utterly perfect and wonderful. Under such circumstances, an individual's choice, judgement, dignity and independent thinking have thoroughly lost validity. One must completely abandon one's persona before the CCP and unconditionally obey the CCP's leadership; one is further compelled to unconditionally put trust in whatever the CCP decrees and does. One has to act in line with the ideology of the Central Committee of the CCP. Many people have blindly followed Jiang to persecute Falun Gong, simply for the sake of "keeping in line with the Central Committee of the CCP."
The mentality of the CCP always being "great, glorious and correct" is the psychological foundation for its criminal conduct. The CCP has created numerous cases of injustice and unjust verdicts during its many past movements. When pubic resentment builds up, the CCP avoids taking responsibility by "redressing" some cases and by blaming a few individuals as scapegoats, while the CCP continues to boost its dictum of "always being correct."
After the collapse of the Communist regime in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the Communist camp had fallen apart and the words, "great, glorious and correct" would no longer work. Nobody believes in Communism any more, and nobody truly trusts the Communist Party any longer, either. When the CCP's deceit no longer worked, they started to propagate the "Three Represents" and more recently, "Maintaining advancement," in desperate attempts to continue their reign, and to continue to swindle the Chinese people.
2. The CCP culture overthrows the standards for good and evil, right and wrong, making the CCP's will the standards by which to distinguish good from bad
For thousands of years, mankind's standard to distinguish good from evil and right from wrong has been based on such things as the course of nature, the law, morality and human nature. The CCP, however, only recognises the Party's will, not conscience. It only recognises the CCP's peculiarities, not humanity. It operates only by its own parameters, not by law. The CCP fights heaven and earth, and it does not have consideration whatsoever for the course of nature. The CCP rules everything, with its political needs deciding everything, and its political culture filtering into everything. The will of the CCP and its dictators who manipulate the CCP are the standards by which to distinguish good from evil, right from wrong, and good from bad. The CCP has absolutely no foundation of law, morals or humanitarian values. Instead, it places itself above the course of nature and ethics and above the law. Jiang Zemin disregards the voices of millions of Falun Gong practitioners, disregards the people's will and the law, confuses black and white, defames Falun Gong as an "evil cult" and brainwashes the Chinese people.
With their long-term, tiresome political movements, their long-lasting deceitful propaganda and the tight blockade of information, the CCP has muddled the Chinese people's minds and made many of them lose their normal sense of rationality and thinking. The Party has indeed made a large number of Chinese people unable to see the evil nature of the CCP. Consequently, these people have lost their independent personalities and their ability to think on their own. They have never and would never query the CCP, but only blindly "follow the CCP" from their childhood on. If the CCP says you are right, you must be right. If the CCP says you are bad, you must be bad. The Chinese people's basic standard to distinguish right from wrong and good from evil has been turned upside down and distorted. People believe without thinking that whatever the CCP does is reasonable, and it is justifiable for the CCP to persecute whomever it decides to persecute. Although some people have realised that the CCP is bad, but the propaganda such as "Heaven and earth are great, but not as great as the marvels of the CCP," and "Mom and Dad are nice, but not as nice as the CCP," makes them feel emotionally at a loss if there were no CCP. They don't know how to continue to lead their life without the CCP, thinking that without the CCP China would cease to exist, disregarding China's 5000 year history of civilisation.
People often say that what they can see with their own eyes is what is true. Yet some present-day Chinese people would not even believe what they see with their own eyes, a serious dilemma the CCP culture is responsible for. Facing the great number of facts of the persecution exposed by Falun Gong practitioners, some people simply would not listen and think clearly, and would not believe or acknowledge those facts. They only believe the rumours the CCP concocts and its rose-coloured propaganda embellishing its rule. They are unwilling to think independently, and some of them, out of shamelessness or fear, opt to keep in line with the CCP, thinking that by doing so their self-interests would be protected.
II. The CCP Culture is against Human Civilisation
Culture is the soul of a civilised society. In civilised societies everywhere around the world, there is a common trait to respect humanity and to recognise the social conscience. This is absent in communist societies. There are ancient Chinese sayings, "Man's nature at birth is good," "Everyone has a sense of pity," "A chivalrous person can be killed, but can't be insulted," all of which reflect basic human morals and tolerance. They respect human values and dignity and advocate native conscience, righteousness and compassion. People in Western countries advocate universal fraternity and they value universal human rights and the rule by law.
With the CCP's political culture of "deception-wickedness-violence," one is only allowed to choose party nature over human nature. They propagandise that "there is only love for your own social class," and no human nature and conscience that go beyond class. They replace all that is dear to humanity with hatred. They treat the CCP's enemies ruthlessly in ideological theory, in system and in behaviour, being as cold as a severe winter. They should never be merciful, soft-hearted or tolerant toward their enemies. Mao Zedong once said, "The objective reality of class struggle and racial struggle determines our ideology and feelings." With the evil political culture of "what I say goes," they compel the Chinese people to treat the enemies of the party with no mercy, no humanitarian consideration or sympathy, and to treat them with no consideration of ethics or legality.
The various excruciating methods that Jiang's regime used and is still using to torture Falun Gong practitioners once again illustrate this point.
The five-year-old boy in the following picture is Sun Mingyuan. He was standing in front of a commercial building in Dehui City, Jilin Province with a paperboard hanging on his chest, showing his grievance. His father Sun Qian was illegally sentenced to 12 years in prison for practising Falun Gong and is currently being illegally detained in Jilin Prison. Sun Mingyuan's mother Ma Chunli was abducted in the streets in broad daylight by Dehui police. They put her in prison merely because she was trying to be a good person and follow the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." She has been so severely abused that her life is now in peril. The boy is all alone and without any support. He is asking for help from the society.
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A plea from the bottom of little Sun Mingyuan's heart, "I want my mum - please help!" |
Although the Chinese government signed the United Nations Agreement on Human Rights, it's extremely difficult for the Chinese people, who have grown up under the influence of the evil CCP's political dogmas to understand and accept a widely held view of human rights. China always has conflicts with the international community on human rights issues. Why should the party's enemies enjoy human rights? Why should we feel sympathetic towards the enemies of the party? They even consider basic humanitarianism as an "Anti-China Force." The twisted notions and the diminution of humanitarian values and conscience of the Chinese people is the end product of the evil CCP culture that "the CCP unifies the whole country."
The CCP is against humanity, against justice and against the law of nature. Its evil culture restrains or even exterminates human kindness. It utilises and manipulates the evil side of human nature. It has turned people into those who lack common sense, who dare not speak the truth and who would act in an inhuman manner when there is a party need. They have no compassion or conscience and habitually keep in line with the party, believing only the lies told repeatedly thousands of times by the CCP. They do whatever the CCP tells them to do, just like what is said in the folk tune lyrics to describe the Xinhua News Agency, "I'm a dog of the party, standing at the door of the party. Whomever the party wants me to bite; I will bite them without mercy, I will bite as many times as I am told to bite"
After many political movements, some people started to awaken from the evil CCP culture, which has all the characteristics of a true cult organisation. They began to realise the importance and widely disseminated adherence to human rights in a civilised society. The core of the well-known humanitarian ethics is the respect for human values and dignity. The CCP culture is violating justice; it shows no respect for human nature, morals or law; it concocts lies without considering the consequences; it deviates fundamentally from the civilised community, and all these have caused the overall deterioration of China's social ethics.
Why is it that some people turn a blind eye to the persecution of Falun Gong and feel indifferent to the whole situation?
In 2003, after Sun Zhigang's case was exposed, there was a big outcry of justice from the society, which stirred up heated discussions in the legal sector. As a result, the unlawful system that put homeless people into police custody was abolished. However, when it comes to the persecution of large number of Falun Gong practitioners, during which more than one thousand practitioners have been tortured to death for not giving up their beliefs, the whole society keeps silent, except for a few people who risked their lives to voice their sympathy for Falun Gong. Why is there such a huge difference in people's attitudes towards these two issues? Aren't the victims in both cases Chinese? Is this normal? No, it's not.
The key difference is that Sun Zhigang, who was beaten to death for no reason, was not an enemy of the CCP. Therefore people can show sympathy to him and voice justice. They have taken a different attitude towards Falun Gong, because the CCP has labelled Falun Gong as enemy of the Party and the savage persecution of Falun Gong is still going on. The CCP's inhuman political culture has played a role in this aspect. It restrains people from showing their kindness and sense of righteousness. The cruel treatment of "Anti-revolutionist" Zhang Zhixin during the Cultural Revolution was only disclosed afterwards.
The CCP treats their enemies mercilessly and persecutes them ruthlessly. They also tell all Chinese to treat the CCP's enemies in the same manner and never show any sympathy. This evil culture makes the Chinese people indifferent and numb toward the persecution. Most people choose silence to protect themselves.
III. The Theoretical Foundation and Mechanisms of the CCP's "Justifiable Persecution"
The CCP's man-killing philosophy of struggle requires it to constantly create enemies. Every Chinese person could potentially be an enemy, including the highest-ranking officials in the CCP. Confucius said, "A name that is not proper cannot be justifiable." Although the endless struggles launched by the CCP disregard the law, it needs an excuse. The class struggle theory of "continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat" once resolved the problem of "justifying the name." It created countless "class enemies" and legalised the CCP's "justifiable persecution." It physically destroyed millions of Chinese people and contaminated over a billion Chinese people's souls. The class struggle theory was abandoned soon after the Cultural Revolution. After the collapse of the former Soviet Union and that of communism in Eastern European countries, the reputation of the Communist Party plunged. "Correct at all times" doesn't work any more. The CCP's crisis of legitimacy worsened. The new issue facing the CCP is to justify the name of its man-killing nature.
Facing the new situation in China and the rest of world, on the one hand, the CCP insists that "class struggle" still exists to a certain degree. On the other hand, it's trying to find a new and a more legitimate man-killing theory. That is the reason why the CCP has created new enemies in the name of "nation," "people," "government," "science," "society" or "public." Under the guise of "following the law" and "being a responsible government," they attack and persecute "enemies" with the excuse of "vindicating the benefits of the country, vindicating the benefits of the people." The ways they use to attack new enemies today are essentially the same as those used in "class struggle," but more deceptive. In order to operate the "struggle mechanism" of today, they intensely propagandise and advocate so-called "patriotism," "nationalism" and "stabilisation above all" to brainwash people. The new persecution theory was applied in the persecution of Falun Gong and gave people the wrong impression that the persecution is legitimate and justifiable.
1. "Enemy of the nation"
These past few years, the CCP expended its efforts to worm its way into the emotions of Chinese nationalism and patriotism to more effectively persecute Falun Gong. To justify the persecution, the CCP labels Falun Gong practitioners as "not loving their country," and colluding with hostile "Western anti-China Forces."
i) Intentionally confusing the concepts of China and the CCP
CCP propaganda has always confused the concepts of party and the nation, intentionally misleading the people to equate the concept of China as a nation with the CCP itself. They want the people to think of the CCP as being synonymous with the country itself, without even giving it a second thought. To achieve its political purposes, the CCP tries hard to tap into the minds of the Chinese people with slogans such as "loving the CCP is loving China," "loving China is loving the CCP," "if the CCP fails, China fails," "the CCP's scandal is China's scandal, which must not be disclosed."
Except those who are confused and muddleheaded by the CCP propaganda, a clear-minded person can easily distinguish between the CCP and China. An old Chinese fable, "the fox borrows the tiger's terror (by walking in the latter's company)," may explain this issue after expending its meaning: In the animal world, most of the animals are fearful of a tiger. A cunning fox tricked a tiger into always following him, only to show other animals how powerful the fox is. The fox spreads the sayings, "loving the fox is the same as loving the tiger," "loving the tiger is the same as loving the fox" "Whoever complains about the fox is the same as criticising the tiger." After a while, the animals become confused. When they think about the fox, they think about the tiger. So they start to fear the fox as they fear the tiger. The fox uses this fear for its own advantage, to deceive the obedient animals. The CCP's ability to deceive the public is far more than that of a fox. The CCP boasts, "If the CCP fails, China will fail too," as if saying "when the fox dies, the tiger will die too." The CCP argues, "Without the CCP, China would not have existed," as if saying, "Without the fox, the tiger would not have existed."
When Falun Gong practitioners expose the CCP's evil deeds, the CCP would tell the public "Falun Gong creates a scandal for China," "Falun Gong practitioners do not love their country." The CCP promulgates the standpoint that pointing out the CCP's dark side is the same as pointing out China's dark side, and this is equal to not loving China. This ridiculous logic seems to suggest that pointing out the foul smell of a fox is a disgrace to a tiger, and is the same as tarnishing the image of a tiger. A fox's evil deed is not a tiger's evil deed! Loving a tiger doesn't mean loving a fox. It is the CCP's own scandal, not China's scandal. A large number of the Chinese people (including many CCP members) are indeed deceived and confused by the CCP propaganda.
ii) Instigating and Manipulating the Emotion of Chinese Nationalism
The CCP has done a great deal in the past to instigate the emotion of Chinese nationalism, and with its philosophy of struggle on top of it, the CCP has severely distorted the Chinese people's perspectives of the international community. The United Nations Agreement on Human Rights has existed for over fifty years. Human rights apply to the whole humanity. The Chinese government also signed this agreement. When hearing the facts of this brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, people are shocked. When the international community understands more about the truth, more and more nations and people have shown their compassion towards Falun Gong practitioners whose human rights are violated. To support Falun Gong, those nations and people have raised their voices of justice, which are deeply rooted in their compassionate nature and righteous thoughts. The CCP, however, twisted these actions and connected these non-political voices with labels and claims such as "anti-China forces," "Falun Gong cooperates with anti-China forces." The CCP take advantage of Chinese citizens' strong sense of nationalism to create the fallacy of "the justified persecution."
Falun Gong teaches "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." It transcends the nations' boundaries, culture, races, and political systems. It is now practised freely in over 60 countries worldwide. Taiwan has the closest cultural and racial ties to Mainland China. Falun Gong is easily understood and accepted there. The number of practitioners in Taiwan has increased quickly. The CCP, on the other hand, spreads rumours such as "Falun Gong cooperates with people who want Taiwan's independence," and takes advantage of the Chinese people's nationalism to pit them against Falun Gong.
2. "Enemy of the government"
Constitution and the rule of law define the relationship between the people and the government. The Constitution is for everyone to follow. On April 25, 1999, some Falun Gong practitioners from Tianjin City were unlawfully arrested. Exercising their rights granted by the Constitution, Falun Gong practitioners went to the Appeals Office of the State Council in Beijing for a peaceful appeal. Relying on its time-tested class struggle theory, the CCP propaganda machine created a new struggle, turning this group of people against the government at the stroke of the mighty pen. The CCP slandered the Falun Gong practitioners' voluntary peaceful appeal as "Besieging the government" to make the excuse for the persecution of Falun Gong. The CCP used its struggle theory to start the persecution. Those who grew up in the CCP culture of "Deception-Wickedness-Violence" don't have the concept of "rule of law," but only know the logic of giving people a hard time. They think the CCP's unlawful persecution is reasonable.
i) "Engaging in politics"
"Politics" is a neutral term, which relates to an individual's rights and interests. In other countries and societies, being engaged in politics is part of people's life, and individuals can freely choose politics as their career. Being a politician also has a certain social status. In a Communist country, anything a Communist party does, serves its own political purposes. Politics has become the Communist party's monopoly. To achieve and maintain its political power, the Communist party is not hesitant to use any means or methods. The Communist party has distorted the meaning of politics. Its political struggles associated with power and gains are secret, brutal, dirty, immoral and bloody. The non-stop mass political campaigns have made people fearful of politics. The CCP's savage and unethical conduct has tainted politics and seriously distorted its meaning. Those who are brainwashed by the CCP's ideology perceive politics as connected to political power and the dirty power struggle within the Communist party. Chinese people are as fearful of politics as they are of plagues.
The CCP's officers are mostly concerned about "the CCP's politics." After they have tainted politics they then paint themselves as "leaders." Actually, many of them are truly shameful politicians. The CCP's hoodlum conduct and dirt has tainted politics, and yet they further use people's distorted understanding of politics as an excuse to cast down those who hold different opinions. The CCP likes to charge other people as "engaging in politics." For those who have lived in the CCP culture for a long time, "engaging in politics" is the same as being shameful, dirty and wanting to hold political power. The CCP has made "engaging in politics" as an excuse and justification for their unlawful suppression of others.
Falun Gong practitioners clarify the truth and expose the facts of the unlawful and unjustifiable persecution. Jiang and his followers, who only know how to play their dirty politics, defamed Falun Gong practitioners' resistance to the persecution and accused them of "engaging in politics," claiming they have hidden "political agendas." Their purpose was to slander Falun Gong as an "enemy of the government," so that they had an excuse to implement the persecution.
Falun Gong is spiritual cultivation. It does not have any political goals or agendas, pursuing neither fame nor personal interest. Under the persecution, people should be allowed to speak out. This is not "engaging in politics."
(To be continued)
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