A crime that shocked the whole world - the face of Ms. Gao Rongrong, a good person who believed in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, was grossly disfigured by being shocked with high voltage electric baton last year. This year the Chinese Communsit Party (CCP) went all the way! She was tortured to death on June 16th, 2005!
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Photo 1. - Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong, an accountant at the Luxun Fine Arts College in Shenyang City |
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Photos 2 & 3. On May 7, 2004, Gao Rongrong's face is photographed covered with burns from electric baton shocks. These pictures were taken ten days after the torture. |
Ms. Gao Rongrong's burnt face is a reflection of the crimes by the evil scoundrels of the CCP. Hence, it was decided by the CCP to "hide" this face permanently. With the CCP Central 610 Office Head Luo Gan personally directing the operation, at around March the 8th or 9th in 2005, Ms. Gao was again abducted several months after being rescued. And this time they killed her. (The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems)
Based on reasonable logic, one might believe that the CCP would not dare touch someone like Ms. Gao Rongrong, who was already known to the world as a victim of the CCP persecution of Falun Dafa. If anything bad were to happen to her, the world would suspect the CCP of further crimes against humanity. But the daring and ruthless brutality displayed by the CCP remains for everyone to witness. The CCP once again abducted her, and killed her!
The CCP has never admitted the means by which it has persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners, and in fact has used all resources in an effort to conceal their actions in the persecution. Now we all can see the ways the CCP covers its crimes. And these crimes are sins by the CCP against Falun Gong and against all humanity. In an effort to cover previous crimes of the persecution, the CCP is now so bold as to destroy the evidence, whether it be objects or people, and in front of the world!
What can be more shockingly evil than this! This is an open challenge to human conscience, that the CCP has openly exposed its hideous crimes, while it is aggressively committing additional crimes daily, that the CCP is apparently even unconcerned of world condemnation.
In the past six years of this persecution, it is impossible to exactly account for all the Falun Dafa practitioners who have been murdered in the labour camps, the detention centres, the prisons, and the mental hospitals, which are an integral part of the most evil government on earth. The current policy lists a "death while in custody as a suicide." They have the policy "to not check identities, and to cremate as soon as possible." No one can conduct an accurate survey of the crimes of these monsters.
Another young woman, Li Hui from Longhui Town, Weiyuan County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province was 42 years old. On April 29th, 2005, she went to visit her sick mother, and obtained a VCD containing the Falun Dafa practise exercises on the way. She learnt the movements. But four days later, on her way back home, she was detained by police on the Chengdu City Train Station after they found she had the Falun Gong book Zhuan Falun in her possession. She was viciously tortured to death by policemen from the Longhui Town Police Substation. Her body was placed near a stream by plainclothes policemen, who constructed a scene to try to fabricate a story of death by drowning. How many other tragedies are there like this one?
Breaking through the lies and the subterfuge, risking accusations of "revealing State Top Secret data," 2576 deaths, including that of Gao Rongrong, have been confirmed. Without attempting to enumerate those still-hidden deaths because of the tight seal on information, these 2576 confirmed deaths and the more than 100 confirmed missing cases are enough to break people's hearts.
· On November 19th, 2000, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Zilin, employed by the Jiangbei Forestry in Jilin City, Jilin Province went to Beijing to appeal for a stop to the persecution against Falun Gong. He was arrested by the police in Beijing and detained at the Xuanwu District Detention Centre. More than four years have passed, but no one knows what has happened to him. One witness reported seeing two Falun Dafa practitioners being interrogated on that evening in that Detention Centre. Both were beaten to death. Mr. Wang Zilin's family twice journeyed to Beijing to find him, but were told by the Detention Centre police that "there never was no person" by that name.
· In March 2003, a Falun Dafa practitioner detained in the Sanshui Labour Camp was missing after suffering severe torture. His family went to the Sanshui Labour Camp but found nothing.
· In January 2004, Ms. Men Xiangrong brought her 16-month-old daughter to play in the park, and was then followed home by police. Her home was ransacked. She was abducted, and has been missing since then. Her family has looked everywhere for her, but have been told by police and 610 Office agents that "she was released."
· On May 17, 2005, policemen from the Jiangyou City State Security Division in Sichuan Province beat to death a nearly 60 year old Falun Dafa practitioner by the name of Mr. Jiang Yiyun. They dumped his body in a wilderness area, refusing to allow his family to collect it. They then very quickly sent the body to be cremated the same morning.
While we can never accurately account for all of those people who have been savagely tortured and for those who have been tortured to death before this inhuman persecution ends, still the confirmed victims of death by torture, injury, nervous breakdown, missing and incapacitated by torture are so large in number that the viciousness of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong is proved beyond a doubt.
Facing such unbounded evil that dares to oppose "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance," facing the genocide of its own kind people without scruple, regardless of whether an individual or a group, a government or a religion, all should stand together arm in arm to resist these crimes committed by the CCP without hesitation. Let us stop this evil brutality now in the name of humanity!
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