In order to protest that the persecution against Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has lasted for six years and to call for an immediate end to the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners from Holland and Belgium held an anti-torture exhibition in Utrecht in the central part of Holland on the 23rd of July 2005.
The Falun Gong appeal was divided into two sections: On the left practitioners demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises whilst on the right was an anti-torture exhibition. The practitioners simulated the draconian forms of torture that the CCP uses in attempts to force practitioners to renounce their beliefs. Beside them were posters explaining the torture methods in words and pictures. The location was right in the city centre so many passers-by stopped to have a closer look at what was happening. The contrast between the torture methods and the exercise demonstration left people with a perplexing question: why would people be tortured like this just for practising these peaceful exercises?
Many people came to talk with the practitioners and find out more. One practitioner said, “In China, people are put into jail because of doing these exercises. They were tortured just like in this re-enactment.” People asked why and the practitioner explained two reasons. Firstly, the evil nature of the CCP cannot tolerate “Truthfulness, Compassion, forbearance” which are the principles of Falun Dafa. Secondly, the ex-president of China Jiang Zemin was jealous at the fact that so many people practise Falun Gong. Most people were shocked and asked if they could offer any help. In front of the table for collecting petition signatures to support the Dutch lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, ex-president of China, people often queued to sign their names.
An elderly lady said that this was exactly what we need when she found out that the principles of Falun Dafa were “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance”. A young lady said, “China was such a powerful country and the economy had developed so well, how could this kind of thing happen in China?” A practitioner told her, “The CCP is very good at covering things up. All the persecution is being carried out secretly. That is why the international community did not see the real situation.” This lady agreed to sign her name to support Falun Gong practitioner’s anti-persecution activities.
When the anti-torture exhibition started, it looked like it would start to rain. But soon the weather became very sunny. Many people stood quietly to watch the exercise performance and anti-torture exhibition with solemn faces. When practitioner handed out flyers to them, they accepted the flyers with expectance. It seems like they had waited for this information for a long time.
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