On October 18th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from across Australia delivered the announcement issued by Falun Dafa Association on October 9th, 2005 to the respective Chinese Embassies and Consulates in their areas. They hoped that those who had once participated in the persecution of Falun Gong could wake up from delusion, abandon the evil path and choose to be good, and leave themselves a future.
Practitioners Deliver Falun Dafa Association Announcement to the Chinese Consulate in Sydney
On October 18th, 2005, the New South Wales Falun Dafa Association held a press conference in front of the Chinese Consulate in Sydney to deliver the October 9th Falun Dafa Association announcement. Representatives read the announcement aloud in both Chinese and English, urging Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials who once participated in the persecution of practitioners to abandon the evil path and choose to be good. Those who refuse to do the right thing and instead continue to follow Jiang's scoundrel regime's persecution policies are bound to be severely punished as perpetrators of unforgivable crimes.
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Nearly 100 practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate | Jon Deller read the announcement in English |
Practitioners Jon Deller and Mr. Wei read the announcement aloud in English and Chinese respectively. According to the announcement, "From today (October 9th, 2005) on, overseas Falun Gong practitioners will file civil or criminal lawsuits against all important government or CCP officials who participate in or continue to implement the persecution of Falun Gong."
The announcement concluded with the following: "The CCP regime is against heaven's will and is about to collapse. It is now having difficulty sustaining the persecution. Heaven's final judgment of these evil criminals is imminent. However, one of the purposes of the sacred Fa of Falun Gong is to save people, including people from all walks of life. Even for those who have committed wrongdoings, there is still an opportunity for them to abandon their evil paths and choose to be good. For all those who have committed crimes against Falun Gong but want now to correct their mistakes, they can submit, under safe circumstances, a guarantee announcement or regret letter to the Minghui (Clearwisdom) Website or to any regional Falun Dafa Association to be archived. We will not investigate the various crimes of those who are determined to correct their mistakes. However, we will continue to monitor their actions."
Besides delivering the announcement to the consulate, practitioner Rebecca said that they also want to deliver the statement to 200 Guangdong government officials who are scheduled to visit Sydney this November for a trade fair. She said, "We want to take the opportunity to deliver this statement to every Chinese official who has participated in the persecution to urge them to choose to be good. For those who choose not to do the right thing and instead continue to follow Jiang Zemin's scoundrel regime's persecution policies, they will be severely punished [by Heaven]."
After the announcement was read, Rebecca and John went to the consulate to deliver the announcement. A receptionist first told them to wait while he called to report to consulate officials. About 15 minutes later, the receptionist said that no one would come out to accept the letter. Rebecca said that they would then fax or mail the announcement to the consulate.
Almost at the same time, practitioners in other areas including Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne and Western Australia also delivered the announcement to their local consulate offices. As they read the announcement on a sidewalk outside the Brisbane consulate, the Queensland practitioners were sprayed with water by consulate officials from the rooftop. Practitioners swiftly warned them to stop such irrational harassment or face criminal charges. The consulate members then stopped their actions. Before the practitioners' activity concluded, the police arrived and practitioners reported to them what had just happened. For the practitioners' safety, the police recommended that practitioners notify the police of future events. The officers also left their phone numbers.
Practitioners Read Falun Dafa Association Announcement to the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne
At 10 a.m., October 18th, practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne. In both Chinese and English, they read the Falun Dafa Association announcement aloud to Chinese officials and visiting individuals. The announcement, first published on October 9th, solemnly states the current situation of the persecution and warns individuals who have participated in the persecution to abandon the evil path and choose to be good.
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Practitioners gather in front of Chinese Consulate to send a message to the Chinese officials |
The announcement said: "From today on, overseas Falun Gong practitioners will file civil or criminal lawsuits against all important government or CCP officials who participate in or continue to implement the persecution of Falun Gong and as a result, commit new crimes in addition to those they have already perpetrated against Falun Gong."
The announcement also points out a bright path for those Chinese Communist officials who want to abandon the evil path: "The CCP regime is against heaven's will, and is about to collapse. It is now having difficulty sustaining the persecution. Heaven's final judgment of these evil criminals is imminent. However, one of the purposes of the sacred Fa of Falun Gong is to save people, including people in all social statuses. Even for those who have committed wrongdoings, there is still an opportunity for them to abandon the evil path and choose to be good. For all those who have committed crimes against Falun Gong but want now to correct their mistakes, they can submit, under safe circumstances, a guarantee announcement or regret letter to Minghui (Clearwisdom Net) or to any regional Falun Dafa Association to be archived. We will not investigate the various crimes of those who are determined to correct their mistakes. However, we will continue to monitor their actions."
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