Supplementary information to the article " Slashing the Face with Steel Rulers and Adding Stool to Meals -The Women's Prison in Guangdong Province Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners"

More Information on Practitioner Ms. Yang Xiaolan
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The article mentioned in the title previously said, "There is a Dafa practitioner, Yang Xiaolan, who may be from Sichuan Province, who is currently being intensely persecuted." She had once written about herself being brainwashed and not being allowed to sleep. She said she would never give up practising and asked her brother not to believe what the prison guards said. According to her narrative, she was brutally persecuted, and the perpetrators shifted the blame to others.

To the best of my knowledge, Yang Xiaolan was one of the Dafa practitioners sent to Sanshui Forced Labour Camp in Guangdong Province before April 2001. At that time, I was held in room 308 of Team Two, also known as the "Specially Managed Brigade." At that time, the forced labour camp was located at the old address, Ward No. 1 of Guangdong Province (Sanshui) Women's Forced Labour Camp, and it used the Youth Labour Camp jail, which had been newly built for male prisoners. On May 19th, 2001, it relocated Ward No. 1 to Sanshui District, Foshan City, which was also known as Daxuanwo, and situated near the Sanshui International Lotus World. I did not know who was detained in the next room at the time. I happened to learn Yang Xiaolan's name when Dafa practitioners jointly opposed the persecution one day.

The situation was as follows. A practitioner, Ms. Deng Mei from Zhanjiang City of Guangdong Province, was transferred to my room before April 2001. She slept on the upper bunk, and I slept on the lower bunk. We were forbidden to talk to each other. The other inmates in the room were ordered to monitor and persecute us.

One morning, under instigation from the guards, Zhang Haiqing, a "collabourator," dragged Deng Mei from the upper bunk down to the floor. Deng Mei, weak as she was, was attacked and abused by dozens of people. Zhang Haiqing slapped her brutally. I went to them and said directly to Zhang Haiqing, "Do not beat her." I held her wrists and dragged her to my bed. I sat there cross-legged and held her. Zhang Haiqing once performed in a play slandering Dafa. She was known for being lazy and curried favour with the guards by persecuting practitioners.

Another collabourator, Wang Qing, came up to slap me, and tried to force me to loosen my grip. She slapped me until my nose bled. At that time, Yang Xiaolan managed to go to the corridor and shouted loudly, "Help us! Help us!" The guards came to investigate. Yang Xiaolan's actions frightened the evildoers. After the guards came, Xiaolan exposed the violence loudly. (At that time, the forced labour camp pretended that they would not beat Falun Gong practitioners.)

As a result, Zhang Haiqing had to apologise in front of the entire team at the assembly. After that, she dared not beat practitioners so brutally. Other evildoers were also discouraged.

I knew Yang Xiaolan from this incident and learned that she had been detained and persecuted for some time. She had been transferred to Team Two from another team.

The earlier persecution of many practitioners, such as Zheng Yuyan, Deng Mei, Mai Chengying, Li Meiping, Xia Ping, and Yang Xiaolan was not known by a lot of people. The practitioners were scattered throughout different teams. The CCP was afraid of their influence and kept them separated from practitioners who were detained later. Therefore, the practitioners who were detained later could not contact these firm practitioners. What they saw were those who had been "transformed." The attachment of following others would make them "transform" easier. However, many practitioners declared their so-called "transformation" null and void and reaffirmed their determination.

I didn't hear about Yang Xiaolan until about a year later. I only knew that she had been transferred away.

In 2002, the labour camp invited a so-called "army hero" to make a speech. That person reported his deeds, saying something like, "I did not know about Falun Gong before, but since the government forbids it, we should listen to the government." At that time, Yang Xiaolan stood up and said firmly, "Falun Gong is good." She also warned that slandering Dafa would invite karmic retribution.

The police dragged her out of the meeting immediately.

After that, Chen Yanhong of the "Education Department" required all guards to be aware that Yang Xiaolan's behaviour violated the labour camp's "rules and regulations." They thus threatened all practitioners with punishment if they did this. Many practitioners were abused in this way. Their rules interfered with people's righteous beliefs and confused the definition of practitioners and good people. They said that once a practitioner broke the "rules and regulations," they would persecute that practitioner more intensely.

The third time I heard about Yang Xiaolan was in November 2002, when the labour camp persecuted practitioners on a large scale. At that time, some high-level government officials were there to monitor the persecution. It seemed that she had been detained alone in other teams for a long time. She must have had her term extended. I thought that she had been detained since before June 2000.

A guard named Lin was the third head of Team Two in March 2003. She used to be the deputy head of the "Education Department" and was the head of the Drug Rehab Team before that. She was known to be very cruel. They used to pour water over drug addicts and then electrically shock them. One girl was forced to jump out of a building because she could not withstand the torture.

During Officer Lin's term, I was secretly detained in room 204 of a detention centre. This was ordered by Zhang Jindi, who was in charge of the Sanshui Brainwashing Centre, Cao, the head of the Surveillance Division, Yang, the head of the Political Department, and Xie Suhong, the head of the Forced Labour Camp, who planned the overall persecution strategy. They did not allow me to sleep for many days, and they did not allow me to take a shower or use the restroom. I was forced to sit on a small stool. They forced me to listen to a brainwashing programme with earphones and watch a brainwashing programme on TV. They shocked me with electric batons, handcuffed me, and forced me to squat. Zhang Jindi threatened to send me to prison if I did not "transform." Lin said, "If you die, we will declare that you died from practising Falun Gong."

Yang Xiaolan was detained alone for a long time and was isolated from the outside. I heard the police mention her with vile words over the course of several years.

The above information suggests that Dafa practitioner Yang Xiaolan is still detained at the prison. She and other firm practitioners are being brutally persecuted. I'd like to call on more people to help stop this persecution.

Chinese version available at

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