I am 55 years old and a staff member of a school in Taiwan. Ever since I was very young, I had asthma. At age 39, my husband contracted a serious disease and could not even stand. He was confined to his bed for 10 years. Due to years of overwork, I gradually developed insomnia, Meniere's Disease, sciatica, headaches, and hypersensitive skin. After every meal, I had to think about which medicine I should take first. I often had to go to the emergency room because of sudden, nauseating dizziness, a symptom of Meniere's Disease. The suffering and stress I endured during those years were beyond description.
I used to be a very devoted Buddhist. When my husband passed away in 2002, I prayed to his spirit, "You must go to the Western Paradise and follow Buddha Amitabha's teachings. Only if you cultivate well there will you have the ability to help me." I was hoping for help in eliminating my suffering from all my diseases. A year later my husband told me in a dream, "Falun Gong is good. You must practise it!" From then on, I started to practise Falun Dafa.
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Ms. MeiZhen practising Falun Gong in the schoolyard |
Zhuan Falun becomes real for me
After two weeks of practising Falun Gong, I suddenly realised that I had forgotten to take my daily medicines. I could also sleep well without medicine. When I went to the nine-day introductory Falun Dafa lectures, I felt a A< href= http://www.falundafa.org/eng/falun.htm target=blank> Falun rotating clockwise and counter-clockwise on my body and on top of my head. The powerful rotation amazed me. I counted the rotations, and the Falun really turned nine times clockwise and nine times counter-clockwise, non-stop. When I did the sitting meditation, I felt so wonderful, just as if I were sitting in an eggshell, without a body and only existing as thought. The next day when I did the sitting meditation I experienced the same amazing condition.
Although I was past menopause, after the nine-day seminar, I had a menstrual period. On the 29th day, I saw the Falun. I had many of the experiences written about in Zhuan Falun, which helped confirm my confidence and faith and greatly changed my ideas and eliminated some of my notions.
At one time, my asthma symptoms re-emerged. The symptoms became more severe every day. It was painful just to drink water or to take one step. I had no appetite and could not get out of the bed for a whole month. I could only sit or lie on my back. While I was enduring the pain day and night, several times I felt a warm current moving down from my head to my toes. I knew that my body was being purified.
Body purified and diseases vanish
That month my son started reading Zhuan Falun. When he saw me in rosy health even though I did not sleep, he encouraged me. Before then, because of all my illnesses, I had a bad temper and lacked of patience. My daughter and son both noticed that my personality changed for the better after practising Falun Dafa. My co-workers and neighbours all told me that I became better and younger looking everyday. They told me my face looked radiant and smooth. With a smile I told them it was because I practised Falun Gong. The principal of my school often told me that my skin colour looked healthy.
During the 10 years I took care of my husband, I was also ill, and my health insurance card was often used at the J-Card level (meaning 60 doctor visits in a year). Since I started practising Falun Gong, I have not had to use the card. I also no longer need medicine and supplements for menopause. I previously had surgery on my knees, and the doctor said I would not be able to walk upstairs. After practising Falun Gong, I could walk and run upstairs.
Improving my character and considering others first
Falun Dafa requires a practitioner to consider others first. Many people thought I had a tough working environment. There were a lot of conflicts. I always remember that I am a practitioner and to discipline myself according the Fa (law or principle in Falun Dafa). I treat all conflicts as opportunities for improving my character and getting rid of attachments. After obtaining the Fa, I worked hard at my job and helped other teachers whenever possible. I now have a different mentality and often remind myself that I do not have true forbearance if I become angry.
Letting the people in Mainland China know the truth
Since I knew that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Jiang Zemin were brutally persecuting Falun Gong , I started to write and mail materials to let people learn the facts on a daily basis. Later, I made 90 phone calls to talk to people about the persecution. I also asked people on the phone to explain the truth about the persecution to their families and friends. I installed a special phone line to broadcast the truth to people in China. Once a gentleman left a message, and I returned his call. At the beginning of the conversation, he was very negative about Falun Gong. I just told him that practitioners simply try to adhere their beliefs, obtain good health, be good people in society. and be responsible for their own lives. There was no reason that they should experience such brutal persecution. After talking for about 30 minutes, he said, "I thank you very much for calling me. I like listening to what you have to say." At the end he said, "Please remember my phone number and call me again sometime."
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