"Where can I sign, I need to sign it." That is what a thirteen year old boy said, without hesitation, when he heard about the brutish behaviour of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the Sujiatun tragedy. In his opinion, Falun Gong practitioners' holding such activities to expose the evilness of the CCP is very good and really necessary as well. He said that such a cruel thing must be stopped, as it violates human rights: people are killed in unimaginable torture methods, and then their organs are sold for great profit. We knew that there used to be concentration camps in Germany, such a thing should not happen again.
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The crimes the CCP has committed shocked everyone |
This scene happened at the Marienplatz in front of the Council House of Munich, Germany. On March 25th 2006, German Falun Gong practitioners held activities exposing the CCP's concentration camp in Sujiatun, where they kill Falun Gong practitioners by various torture methods and then sell practitioners' organs for profit. People who were shocked by the revealed truth all came to sign the petition to condemn the CCP's criminal acts.
People from non-communist countries could hardly believe these things
One gentleman from Bulgaria told us, "People who are from non-communist countries could hardly believe things like this. But I know everything related to the communist party very clearly. I know that they can do things like this. Fifteen years ago, we had the communist party in Bulgaria. They also committed the sin of selling organs. But the whole thing happened very secretly, the truth was not revealed on a large scale. However, people who never have the experience of living under the communist party's control do not know this, because from outside it does not look so bad. "
There were many Chinese tourists at the Marienplatz. Many of them looked at the truth-clarification posters and banners displayed, and quite a few took the newspapers with reports. One of them even thanked practitioners for their hard work.
"I'm standing on your side"
After signing the petition, a German lady told the reporter, "In my opinion, human rights is the most important issue, regardless of the country of origin or culture. For the past few years, I have been working hard as a member of a women's organization to tackle this issue. I really like Chinese people and are really concerned about the human rights violation in China. I think there is a universal standard of human rights that needs to be obeyed by all the countries. No matter what, I am always standing on your (Falun Gong practitioners) side."
"How wonderful it is for you guys to expose these crimes in public," said one German while waiting to sign the petition. "Depriving people of their freedom, and then selling their organs at the end, this kind of thing is very hard to expose, so I think you are doing an excellent job here. I believe eventually the Chinese people will have freedom; it may take a while, but just like one proverb said: if you don't fight for it, you are already lost. "
When asked why she signed the petition, a German lady said that she thinks this is very important. Plus, if more people stand on this (Falun Gong practitioner) side, this issue will be taken more seriously." Her husband said, "I have been to China twice and I am very interested in Chinese affairs. I am very sad for what has happened. The CCP looks strong from its appearance; however, things like this are still happening. This CCP must change itself, it must respect human rights."
A lady who just signed the petition said to us, "I am against violence in any country. That is why I support Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in China. China needs to improve its human right record." When she was asked about how she felt about the concentration camp, she replied, "I was born in 1959, after World War II, but as a German, somehow I feel guilty for what the Nazis did. It is a wound to the nation, and generations and generations of people of this nation will suffer for this sin."
"I support all people fighting for human rights; I will give you the lowest price!"
Because there were so many people who were interested and asked for information, the materials we prepared in advance were quickly all gone. One practitioner then went to a local shop to photocopy more leaflets. Unfortunately, the shop was already closed but the owner was still there making a phone call. The practitioner quickly introduced the content of this leaflet and explained the situation to him. The practitioner hoped that he could help as the aim of the leaflet is to expose this atrocity in China. The shop owner was very shocked, and offered his help straight away to photocopy the leaflet. He said, "I support the human rights movement; I will give you the lowest price!"
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