Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Dam Square in Amsterdam. Along with the service centre for withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party in the Netherlands and the volunteers from the Epoch Times, they expressed support for the ten million brave people who withdrew from the CCP and revealed to the tourists from all parts of the world and local people the CCP crime of removing Falun Gong practitioners' organs in the labour education institutes.
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Photos of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners were exhibited and attracted a lot of attention. The volunteers and Falun Gong practitioners distributed flyers in Chinese, English and Dutch celebrating the ten million people who withdrew from the CCP and exposed the CCP crime of taking organ from live people. A lot of people were shocked and condemned the CCP's brutal act of taking organs from live people.
A Canadian tourist said he experienced the Tiananmen Square demonstrations in Beijing in person and still remembered the photo of a young man blocking the tank. He said he understood clearly about the evil nature of the CCP. However he was still shocked by the CCP's crime of removing organs from live people. He hoped more people could pay close attention to this issue.
A middle-aged woman from the Netherlands visited a "truthfulness, compassion and forbearance" art exhibition in Amsterdam City Hall last year, she at that time already had the view that the CCP's cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners had gone beyond imagination. After understanding the large-scale crime of taking organs from live Falun Gong practitioners in labour education institutes, she covered her chest with her hands and said my heart is all broken; this kind of act must be stopped at once.
A volunteer from the service centre for withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party explained, "In western countries, if one wants to carry out an organ transplant, one must wait for a compatible organ, which usually takes two years. However, in China, it only takes one week. This proves that there are a large number of live people waiting to offer organs. Is this normal? In China at present, many hospitals work overtime to carry out organ transplant operations. That is to say, a lot of people are being murdered. These people are mostly Falun Gong practitioners." A young girl listened to this in tears. She said she must go to the website to sign her name and express support and help stop such a persecution.
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