On the 29th of April 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Paris disclosed the crimes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) labour camps and concentration camps to passersby with exhibition boards with pictures, collecting signatures and distributing leaflets at La Gare Saint-Lazare railway station. French people expressed their support and called on all kind people in the world to together restrain the CCP from killing Falun Gong practitioners. Those French people who came round to sign signed their names on the letter which would be posted to the office of the President of France, urging the Government to make great efforts to investigate and urgently rescue Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in the CCP labour camps, prisons and concentration camps.
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Mr. Philippe Seigneur who is in charge of the training office of “Alternative Liberale” in France. On seeing the activity of Falun Gong practitioners, he and his colleagues expressed they would help them. He told a reporter: “I know that the condition of human rights in China is terrible. As the French media has not reported it, it is very difficult for people here to know that concentration camps still exist in China now. That is also why people are fighting for their human rights. So, we should help them through legal channels as soon as possible. Those Falun Gong practitioners who are being locked up concentration camps are still suffering now, which can’t be put up with!”
Alternative Liberale is a Party newly founded in March with over one thousand members now. Mr. Philipe said: “We are going to participate in the general election of France in 2007. Of course we are going to talk more about problems of human rights which still exist in China and some other countries. However, what people are doing now is not enough. If people believe in democracy and freedom, they should stop keeping silent to the people who are still suffering from the persecution on the other side of the earth because of the pressure from both diplomats and business. We should have our dignity and restrain such a persecution happening.”
When being interviewed, Madame Janine Beuelet said: “How horrible these things are! Just like the killing happening in the Nazi concentration camps. It can’t be tolerated for us to know that a country still has concentration camps now, which is too difficult for us who live in a democratic country to understand.”
She also mentioned: the French Government should play a more important role in improving the condition of human rights in China than only consider doing business with the CCP. She said: “We will urge our government to do something to improve human rights in China. We must write letters to the Government and people all over the world should be mobilised. It is abnormal only if something unjust such as concentration camps still exists in the world.”
Mr. Jacob: “I am against extremists. The communism of China has made so many people lose their lives. It is negative and immoral because it has forced Chinese people to participate in the radical socialism which has caused people’s deaths, which is against society.”
He also mentioned: “It is the democratic system that people’s freedom shouldn’t be forced. We participate; defend our freedom and the dignity of human being by means of those such as morality and the UN. The international communities must get involved, rescue those people who are still being locked up and help them escape from the control over their minds.”
Mr. Jacob said: “I am going to China. I think that such a thing shouldn’t be happening in our time, which is frightening. The international community should have united and restrained such things from happening. Such a deed is extremely immoral and shocking as well.”
Maxime is a middle school student. He and his classmates were shocked at the fact that the CCP has not only persecuted Falun Gong practitioners but built concentration camps to annihilate them as well. He said: “I am shocked because I have never known that such concentration camps still exist in China. I have never visited the concentration camp in Strasbourg France. I have been thinking that such a concentration camp doesn’t exist any longer but still does in China, which is really incredible.”
Anne Bousy: “The information they have given is very important, the more detail the better. In this way, more people will know the facts of the persecution and then will take actions of stopping such deeds of the persecution.”
Madame Alexandre Delaveau: “I am totally shocked at it. In our time, China still has annihilating concentration camps. I am hope that people will prevent such a thing from happening.”
After looking at the truth of the CCP’s annihilating concentration camps, Mr. Jacob also said: The spirits of Falun Gong practitioners are bound to receive support from even more people. He thought: “Their diligence, bravery and keeping patient will win the victory eventually through these rallies and protests. “
After getting to know that the CCP has killed Falun Gong practitioners in its concentration camps, Madame Franquar was shocked. She said: “Nothing is more inhuman than such a thing, which is too cruel. There is no excuse or explanation whatsoever, which is just a terrifying atrocity. Nowadays, it is difficult for people to imagine that such a country as China is treating its people like this. It is also very difficult to hear that such a thing happened in the history of any one country in this world.”
Having got to know the truth of the persecution from practitioners, Mr. Jean-Jacques Roux and Madame Patricia Stenberg, his wife showed their sympathy and support for Falun Gong practitioners in China who are being cruelly persecuted by the CCP, and expressed their indignation to its atrocities as well. They said: “Donating one’s organs must be agreed by oneself. I have seen from some media that in China, those who have been sentenced to death had their organs removed without being agreed by themselves and the authority even refused to give their bodies back to their family members, which can in no way be permitted. All actions of removing organs from live people for sale is not forgiven.”
As to the crime of the CCP having removed organs from live Falun Gong practitioners, Jean-Jacques Roux expressed: “I don’t think that human being are animals. They the CCP are not permitted to remove a part of a human body at will like this and then install into a body of someone else. There is no excuse of covering up such a crime”
After looking at pictures and reading materials disclosing the concentration camps, Mr. Herve’ Yota, together with his family, signed the petition protesting against the atrocities of the CCP. He told the reporter: “I did not know that Falun Gong is being suppressed now. It is too difficult for us French people to imagine such a persecution is happening today. Such an atrocity is a story which happened a long, long time ago. I am very sorry that concentration camps still exist. Today people have participated in the activity protesting against the concentration camps, and mobilising all people to stop the atrocities of the CCP regime.”
He still mentioned: “I don’t think that our government plays a role on the international stage and influences China, especially when it comes down to economic interest with China. I think that you should clarify the fact of the persecution to more French people, which is a very good way of ending the persecution because people’s power is huge.”
The pictures disclosing the crimes of the CCP having cruelly killed Falun Gong practitioners in labour camps and concentration camps of China and Falun Gong practitioners’ appeals through the loudspeaker have made French people know about the crimes the CCP has committed on human being. They expressed their indignation and did not wish to allow the crimes to continue. The French media interviewed Falun Gong practitioners as well.
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