On June 18th, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from three counties in the East Taiwan area, Yilan, Hualien and Taitung, assembed in Hualien to have a group Fa-study and experience sharing. Practitioners shared their understanding of Master's teaching at the Fa-conference in Canada and looked for their own shortcomings. The group Fa-study and sharing helped practitioners to create a better cultivation environment.
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Group Fa-study |
In the morning, practitioners from Yilan and Taitung took trains and buses to Hualien. Practitioners studied the Fa in a group, and then watched the videos, "The Song of Life", "Perminant Story" and "Wake Up the People Around You" made by the Fangguangming TV Station. Later, practitioners shared experiences as a large group. They talked about the cultivation environment in Taiwan, especially the attachments of some practitioners to political parties. After the sharing, practitioners had a better understanding of the task of "Dafa disciples in the Fa-Rectification Period." In the afternoon, practitioners studied the Fa and shared experiences in ten small groups. Practitioners shared their understanding of looking inward, human notions and getting rid of attachments.
The following are excerpts of some of the practitioners' sharing:
1. It is not just attachment to political parties. It is a fundamental problem in cultivation.
Master has taught us:
"In my lectures I have repeatedly stressed that the form of human society--no matter what type of social or political system--is predestined and determined by heaven. A cultivator does not need to mind the affairs of the human world, let alone get involved in political struggles. Isn't how society treats us testing cultivators' hearts? We should not get involved in politics." (Cultivation Practice is not Politics, Essentials for Further Advancement)
Practitioners realised that the attachment to political parties manifests the shortcoming of practitioners in cultivation. The results of elections are actually predetermined by Heaven. Why have practitioners' hearts been moved in these years? The cultivation process is one of giving up human attachments. Practitioners should look inward for the reasons why our hearts have been moved, instead of looking for the reasons why this or that political party is good or bad. It is essential in cultivation to get rid of everyday people's attachments and human notions.
2. Get rid of the attachment to relying on others
One practitioner said that in truth-clarifying activities, if an everyday person came to support us, practitioners would like this person and treat him differently. This is a manifestation of qing, and is doing things with a human heart. It is their own choice for an everyday person to support Dafa when they learn the truth. People support Dafa because their enlightened sides have woken up. We are not involved in politics, and we will bring beauty and a wonderful future to those who support Dafa. So we should not support somebody in an everyday person's way. Also, we should not rely on any everyday person to stop the persecution or change our cultivation environment.
3. Purify ourselves and be compassionate to sentient beings
One practitioner said that he doesn't have the attachment to political parties. But if he heard that somebody went to Mainland China, he would have bad thoughts toward that person. He realised that he still has everyday person's attachment and human notion.
Cultivators don't have enemies. Our task is to save people, so we should not have any bad thoughts toward anybody. If many practitioners have such thoughts, then a large, negative field would be created, which would push sentient being away from Dafa.
One practitioner said that, from Master's new poem, "For the Good of the World," he realised that, in order to do a better job of saving people, practitioners should purify themselves, eliminate the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) evil spirit and be compassionate to sentient beings.
4. Wake up fellow practitioners around us
Master won't leave out any practitioners. If we see that our fellow practitioners are in a bad cultivation state, we must remind and encourage them with compassion so that they won't miss the opportunity to cultivate. As to the attachment to political parties, we should improve the cultivation state of all the practitioners in Taiwan as a whole, instead of one individual practitioner. We should remind and encourage each other, and we should share our understanding of the Fa, so that we can improve as a whole body.
5. Create a cultivation environment together and improve as a whole body
Master said:
"As a student, if his mind is filled with nothing but Dafa, this person is definitely a genuine cultivator. So you must have a clear understanding on the matter of studying the Fa. Reading the books more and studying the books more is the key to truly elevating yourself. To put it more simply, as long as you read Dafa, you are changing; as long as you read Dafa, you are elevating. The boundless content of Dafa plus the supplementary means--the exercises--will enable you to reach Consummation." ("Melt into the Fa", Essentials for Further Advancement)
Practitioners are getting busier and busier in clarifying the truth, so sometime they spend less time on studying the Fa and doing the exercises. Some practitioners don't even have time to go the exercise site to do the exercises, or go to the group Fa-study. Some of them cannot calm down when reading the Fa. All of these make the cultivation environment not good enough.
Practitioners realised the importance of studying the Fa, because a cultivator can only improve oneself by studying the Fa. It is very important for practitioners to study the Fa well, look inward, create a good cultivation environment and improve one's xinxing level. Practitioners reminded each other not to do Dafa work with human hearts.
After the Fa-study and sharing, practitioners had a better understanding of their tasks. They will keep Master's teaching in their hearts, get rid of their human notions as soon as possible, do the three things well and improve together.
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