Following the “Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance International Art Exhibition” held in Finland from May 30th to June 5th, 2006, the “Second Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance International Art Exhibition Helsinki” was held from June 20th to July 1st, 2006, at Galleria Oma Huone on Kalevankatu Street in downtown Helsinki.
As the exhibition was held in the downtown area and some practitioners persistently distributed promotion flyers nearby, many people visited one after another. Sometimes, the practitioners who served as receptionists were too busy to take care of all the visitors. Even before practitioners were done setting up the exhibition, passersby came to appreciate the artworks.
After viewing some paintings with srivatsa symbols, a Finlander said that the symbol is not strange to people in Finland, as it was passed down to Finland from the Swedish royal family in the previous century. Even the srivatsa symbol was used in this building (referring to the building in which the exhibition was held) when it was constructed in 1920.
Some visitors could not help being in tears when viewing the sacred portrait of Master Li’s Buddha Body. The practitioner who interpreted for them said that it was because the sentient beings were moved by Master Li’s great compassion. The practitioner also noticed that not only was a female visitor in tears when viewing the portrait of Master’s Buddha Body, but she was also in tears while viewing the portrait of Master Li in the air in the painting of “Battle between the Righteous and the Evil".
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The sacred portrait of Master Li’s Buddha Body | "Battle between the Righteous and the Evil” |
A female Finlander accepted a flyer from a practitioner when walking her dog in front of the gallery in the morning. Later she visited the exhibition and attentively viewed all the paintings. She said that she was appreciative of the practitioner’s handing a flyer to her so that she was able to have the opportunity to appreciate all these wonderful pictures and understand Falun Gong as well as the facts of the persecution it has undergone.
As a practitioner explained to a lady about the painting titled "Vows", saying that various gods were descending from heaven to the secular world to fulfill their vows and how compassionate it is for the Buddha to save sentient beings, the lady said that she heard beautiful music from another dimension on the spot. She mentioned that nowadays the society is so chaotic that she was very pleased to learn that Buddha has descended to the human world to save sentient beings.
When seeing the great peacefulness and magnificence of the Falun Dafa practitioner in sitting meditation in the painting titled “Pure Lotus Flower,” a clerk of the gallery was deeply touched by the gracefulness and pureness of the young practitioner in the painting. She thus talked to practitioners on the spot that she would like to purchase the painting.
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The painting entitled “Pure Lotus Flower” |
Most visitors wrote some complementary words in the signature book and signed the petition against the persecution of Falun Gong. When stepping out of the gallery and bumping into practitioners distributing flyers on the street, visitors who accepted paper-folded lotus flowers from practitioners smiled to express their appreciation, while others pressed their two hands in front of their chests. When a practitioner asked a young couple who attentively listened to the interpretation of all the paintings how they felt, they replied with “Very, very nice” simultaneously.
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Visitors listening to the interpretations of the paintings | Signing the petition against the persecution of Falun Gong |
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