Michel Hunault is a member of the French Parliament and a member of the European Parliament. He is also a member of the Human Rights Committee of the European Parliament. On September 12th, Mr. Hunault met David Kilgour in Paris and learned about the organ harvesting report authored by Kilgour, former Canadian Parliament member, and renowned human rights lawyer David Matas. Hunault then commented on the message Europe should send regarding the human rights situation in China.
Mr. Hunault said: "The EU, Asian Summit is a good opportunity to restate that human rights is of paramount importance. This is a very important issue for the future of humanity, and the EU shall not remain silent while facing this opportunity. China shall move forward to democracy and respect for human rights. This means respect to every citizen and their beliefs, democratic government and the right to fair trials as well as freedom of thought and action. This summit shall be a good opportunity to restate these human rights values. In Paris, in a land of human rights, I condemn these violations to fundamental human rights. In particular, I am thinking of the [Chinese Communist regime's] violation of Falun Gong practitioners' rights to practice and to their physical integrity."
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