The Story of My Father's Cultivation

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Around 4 p.m., July 5th 2006, there was a thunderstorm with hail in the city of Shijiazhuang in China. Due to the inclement weather, the traffic was jammed.

My father, who is 70 years old and had been practising Falun Gong for over nine months, was rushing home on his bike. Just after he passed a bridge, a black car came out of a parking lot 15 meters away, with no driver inside, and hit my father. The bicycle's wheels were under the car's wheels while the car went against the curb and stopped. The pedestrians were all shocked. Someone yelled to my father, "Are you OK?"

My father got up slowly and said, "I am fine. See if everyone else is ok." A young man said, "How come you are okay? Let me call 110 (equivalent to 911 in the U.S.) and make the owner of that car go to the hospital with you, too. Make him pay for the expense and the bike as well." My father replied, "Thank you, young man, but I am fine. Can you pull my bike out from under the wheel? I can fix it ." But, the the bike was stuck under the wheel and no one could do anything.

The onlookers criticised my father, "You are so stupid. You are not conning him for his money. Get the driver to take you to the hospital to have a check up. At least he should pay for the bike."

Half an hour after the accident, the storm stopped and the traffic resumed normally. The young man who called 110 stayed with my father and waited for the owner of the car to appear. The police finally came. Before my father opened his mouth, the young man started to tell the police, "This car hit this old man. The bike is still underneath the car. Can you look for the owner please?" The police officer said, "Whatever you say, you let me know. I will take you to the hospital if you want to go to the hospital. If you want them to pay for the bike, we will make him pay for the bike." My father insisted, "I am fine." The young man asked, "Are you sure? Aren't you even traumatised? This is not right. He has to come with us to the hospital."

At this point, the owner appeared from the parking lot. She saw her car that was on the sidewalk and the bike underneath it, then noticed the police. She said to the police, "I am sorry. I forgot to lock the car brakes." The police said, "You take a look at this old man. If he says that he is feeling ok, the case is closed. But if he says that he is not well, we have got to do something about it." My father said, "I am fine." So the police said to the owner, "You are lucky today. He said he is fine." The owner said to my father, "Let's go to the hospital."

My father replied to her, "You are a lucky, girl. Don't worry. I won't extort money from you. I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I have my Teacher to protect me. My Teacher told me that I have to be a good person wherever I am. If I was not a practitioner, you would have to spend a lot of money today. Not only will I not extort money from you, but also I give you a blessing."

So my father started to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and the Tiananmen Self-immolation Incident. He also talked about Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party . The owner listened attentively then said, "Today I saw the beauty of Falun Gong. I witnessed your kindness. It's my luck to meet you today. I believe what you told me." She and her whole family then quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). She thanked my father profusely and left him her phone number. She also said that she worked in the building and would be available to help my father if he ever needed her.

After the incident, my father went home on the broken bike. My father said his only regret was that the young man, who tried to insist on taking him to the hospital, did not hear him talk before he left, or he too would have been saved. My father said, "It's strange that that car did not hit anybody but me. This was no ordinary accident. Just as Teacher said, "Good or evil comes from that instant thought." (Zhuan Falun). The difference between life and death depends on one thought only.

My father would also like to take this opportunity through the Minghui/Clearwisdom website to thank Teacher on behalf of the whole family for saving his life. Since October of 2005, with Teacher's guidance and arrangements, over twenty people in my family started practising Falun Dafa, including two sons (a medical doctor and a senior government official). Teacher cleared away their ailments of over twenty years. When my father started practising, the doctor's diagnosis was lung cancer. With Teacher's protection, he has walked through it and is doing the three things every day.

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